Blog Party: Craft Schooling Sunday
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! I type this on Thursday night as the lovely Jewish holiday of Succot comes to an end on Friday sundown (in Israel, elsewhere there is another full day) though there is no time to be sad, as tomorrow right before the end of the day, Friday, we need to bring our dining room table out of the succah and back into the dining room, as not only is it shabbat, it is also another holiday called Simchat Torah, which is generally very festive with long hours spent dancing with the sefer Torahs in the synagogue among many other…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday Succot edition! Thanks so much for joining me here. Right now we are the beginning of the holiday of Succot. Since the first day of the holiday occurred on shabbat this year, we now have a whole week of what is called chol Hamoed, intermediary holiday days. Generally we are thrilled about this as it means more time for trips and visiting family, but with our country wide shut down we are mostly staying home. If I lived outside of Israel, I’d have to postpone the party once again, as everywhere in the world, except Israel, is still celebrating the Succos holiday unplugged until Sunday…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! I am sneaking this party in just before the very important Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, which starts on Sunday night. The holiday is also a major fast, meaning a fast of 25 hours, and mandatory for all those over the age of 12/13 and healthy. In Israel it is the day of the year with the least traffic, as even those who may not observe Shabbat, do observe Yom Kippur! In our community the prayer service is literally all day, so you’ll find me, sitting with my daughter in the synagogue from around 7am until around 7:30pm.…
Craft Schooling Sunday Will Resume Next Week
Thanks so much for stopping by, today is the second day of the Jewish New Year, Rosh HaShana, and we are unplugged and celebrating the holiday, so Craft Schooling Sunday is postponed until next week. Wishing everyone a shanah tovah, a good year, and a gemar chatima tovah, may you be inscribed in the book of life! And may you and yours have a year filled with good health, financial stability, blessings all around and time for creativity! See you next week, which will be during the period called "the ten days of repentence" leading up to Yom Kippur. I don't generally do much crafting for Yom Kippur, but four…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! Wow, we are now entering the very last year of the Jewish year, and as I write this we are about to celebrate the very last shabbat of the year. The pressure is now on to do our very best in every area of our lives and relationships in this week, especially as we can in essence make up for for things we didn’t quite handle as we should have in the past year. So try to be extra kind and forgiving this week, to yourself and others, do an accounting of areas that could use some attention,…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! We have been experiencing an extreme heat wave, with temps expected to be as high as 107 F, which is not at all a regular occurence for us here in Northern Israel on our coolish mountaintop location. Very grateful for air conditioning right about now, as I get ready for Shabbat ( I usually write this on Friday afternoon) with the challah baking now back in my court as my teen daughter has flown the coop for school and arrived home on the bus sometime around 4 am, sooooooo, challah it will be. I am about to look…