Container Gardening: Houseplants
Forcing Amaryllis Bulbs In Pots Year After Year After Year!
There are very few things quite as stunning as a pot of forced Amaryllis bulbs in bloom. And the good news is that this exciting process is so easy to achieve year after year, with just a few simple Amaryllis bulb forcing directions under your belt. Unlike other bulbs traditionally forced to fill our homes with flowers during the winter, Amaryllis bulbs require no preparation, and only get better over the years, so whatever you do, don't throw them out! I almost forgot about my pot of bulbs that were in the garage sleeping for the past few months, but it is still not too late, to get started, so…
Schlumbergera (xmas cactus, hanukkah cactus) Buds Now In Stock!
I've been patiently waiting to see when my beloved schlumbergera cactus would start to show signs of the brilliant flowering show that it gives us every year in December, and at long last yesterday I spotted tiny buds beginning to form. So truly exciting! I keep this plant outdoors (in the shade) for the summer and until the buds are quite large and about to open, at which point I bring it indoors and await the fabulous show. Right now the buds are really quite small, with many more to appear, so it looks like this year we'll be enjoying the blooms in January, but no complaints. Interestingly enough, the…