Container Gardening
Four Easy Care Flowering Plants For Your Sub-Tropical or Zone 5/6/7 Container Garden!
After a long winter in Northern Israel, and a bit of a slow start in the Spring due to more rainfall than usual, my somewhat neglected (or shall we say low-maintenance?) container garden is now coming alive with gorgeous blooms! Somewhat of a miracle though likely thanks to husband’s recent interest in watering our botanical friends, thankfully. Here are four tried and true plants that bloom year after year here in my sub-tropical/zone 6 climate of Northern Israel, which includes frost and some freezes now and again. Container gardening is such a pleasure and a lovely way to bring greenery into your life even if, like me, you don’t have…
Oribe Gorge Succulent In Bloom Once Again!
One of my favorite plants, and one of the many succulents that you’ll find growing in my container garden is now in bloom! And it is quite exciting for me as the two pots containing this succulent native to South Africa’s Oribe Gorge did not bloom at all last year. I was thinking that possibly I babied them too much by bringing them indoors for part of the winter, or that they preferred the hotter location that they once occupied. In any case, I now know that they have acclimated to their newish spot on the little Romeo and Juliet style balcony in my kitchen, and for some reason decided…
Geranium Cuttings Will Bloom When Grown In Water!
While I do realize that this photograph is a bit vague, I took it quickly to share with you the amazing discovery that geranium cuttings grown in water produce flowers. Amazing, right? This cutting is actually a pillar geranium so it has a not only a very long stem, but its flowers form on long stems as well, which is truly lovely. So, if you travel a lot or tind that watering plants just doesn’t suit you, consider growing some plants in water, and add geraniums to that list. What other plants can one grow in water? PLEASE NOTE: I just realized that I wrote hydrangea instead of geranium on…
Kitchen Scraps Gardening: Grow Your Own Beet Greens
Aren’t these beet greens just gorgeous? I grew them myself, on my kitchen table, from scraps that would ordinarily be tossed….gotta love it! You can grow your own beet greens to make a lovely Spring centerpiece, or to actually eat, when they get a bit bigger that is. Either way, kitchen scrap gardening is so much fun and certainly a great activity to do with the kids. Enjoy some beets, I recommend oven roasted for the best taste, and save the tops for this project that will have you smiling from ear to ear…….and this sure beats moving to someplace with an actual garden to satisfy that desire to grow…
Accidental Daisies Add A Stunning Touch To A Sleeping Container Garden
Isn’t this pot full of pink daisies just lovely? I can’t take credit for it as it truly happened all by itself, and I’m still in shock that a container this gorgeous is actaully part of my container garden.It is true, I had dreamed of daisies filling the empty space beneath my lemon tree, and one year I did buy some tiny daisy plants, but they succumbed to the summer heat and not enough care. Fast forward, I guess a few seeds got lots of energy and decided to make their mark on the world, and in the middle of winter started to grow, like really grow! And now here…
Hardenbergia Vine In Bloom
One of the things I love to celebrate here on creative jewish mom is the change of seasons and all the wonderful that happen in nature and in my container garden, each and every year! This week I have already shared with you the yearly blooming of the almond trees, and I just ran outside wity my 50mm lens in order to share with you the yearly blooming of my hardenbergia vines, so very very lovely indeed! i’ll admit this plant has been looking very scraggly, and is in dire need of some food and attention as well, which is possibly why it has bloomed very nicely this year, meaning…