Container Gardening
Brighten Up Winter With Kalanchoe In Bloom!
Ahhhhh, gorgeous kalanchoe in pink, red and coral are just the thing to brighten up winter right about now! Thanks to Ikea, where these little pots were just 9 shekels each (plants are expensive here in Israel, very annoying since they are grown here and Israel is a world expert is such things) so I couldn’t resist. Outside on our blue tile Moroccan table (more about that another day) they look just as cheerful as can be, and at some point I will have to actually plant them in a larger pot, but for now I have them sitting in a bonsai pot, and the plants are full enough to…
A Fabulous Succulent Globe In Montreal At The BioSphere
Despite great hopes for continuing my crafting spree this week, that just isn’t possible on account of a bunch of graphic design and brand development work that floated by and got stuck in my radar, so this week I’m going to continue sharing with you more photos from our adventures this past August in Canada and New York State. And since my mother especially appreciates these posts, hi mom, enjoy! Hands down, one of my favorite spots in Montreal is the Biosphere designed by Buckminster Fuller for the 1967 World’s Fair, and while I did share a few photos with you, I saved these photos of this fantastic succulent globe…
Lantana In Bloom Is Stunning And Drought Tolerant
I have a soft spot for Lantana, the plant which is characterized by balls of colorful flowers that are made up of clusters of the sweetest little flowers you've ever seen. And so earlier this week when I was out and about with my camera one morning, I just had to capture a few shots of these beauties…….. to share with you and to remind myself to plant a bunch in a garden that I've designed and landscaped, as well as in my own container garden. The wonderful thing about lantana is that it comes in intense reds and oranges, as well as in a color combo of light pinks…
Geranium Odorata Is Proof That Not All Geraniums Are Created Equal!
One of my all new favorite flowering plants this year is the geranium odorata, a truly lovely little perennial (in my zone) that also apparently has a slight fragrance! This particular plant, which here in Israel is called a "french geranium" has a slight orange fragrance. And I just realized that there is another geranium seen frequently around my neck of the woods whose leaves have a lemon fragrance, but the blooms while similar to these are quite small.These blooms, as you can see are quite lovely and unique, with a slight nod to the pansy! I'll admit, once up a time I was a bit of a flower snob,…
Marigolds Are Annuals That Re-Seed Themselves, Perfect For The Busy Gardener!
Marigold seedlings, Angela Altomare, and tiny blooming marigolds, from plants planted in summer 2016! I love the color orange, and so of course that means that I also love orange marigolds…….not the big puffy balls so much, but rather those that tend to be smaller, as you can see in my photo here. As I recall, last year I planted a few tiny marigold plants here and there in my container garden, and now, a year or so later after a cold winter, there are tiny marigold seedlings coming up everywhere, many of whom have already flowered, or are even producing miniature marigolds. So exciting! Now granted, these little seedlings are…
Simply Beautiful Tin Can Container Garden
You don't need to spend money on beautiful containers to have a lovely container garden, and here dear readers is the proof! This tin can container garden is not my own garden, but rather something I spotted in the neighborhood a few days ago, and I finally got the chance to return with camera in hand yesterday. There is just something about the combination of these new cans packed with a mix of blooming plants this is truly delightful, and, because these cans are in front of a rather worn and neglected stone home, well they fight right in, as they would say on a gritty fire escape in New…