Container Gardening
Hedenbergia Vine In Bloom, On The Late Side…..
If you follow my blog, you may already know that I just love sharing with you signs of the changing seasons. Migrating birds, blooming trees, ripening pomegranates and grapes are just a few of the things that make us excited around here, and I now share with you my yearly photos of my hedenbergia vine in bloom…..something that usually happens during the winter as opposed to early Spring, but so be it! Right about now, when some of you may be thinking about your garden, whether in containers or in actually earth, I'd like to recommend this lovely vine to you…….it blooms in the winter when all else in the…
Using A 50mm Lens To Create Artfully Blurred Photos (And My Oribe Gorge In Bloom)
My beloved Oribe Gorge succulent is now predictably in bloom, and the little round pompom-like orange flowers are just too fabulous! As the sun was going down the other day I ran out to our porch with my new 50mm lens to try and capture some of the lovliness! I can't say that I really know how to use this lens just yet, in a predictable way that is, but loving that I can get those really blurred out backgrounds with the foreground theoretically in really sharp focus. I didn't exactly accomplish that here, but thought I'd share these photos with you, as I have a tradition of sharing phtoos…
Eleven Great Tips For Assembling Stunning Containers
On our trip to Toronto at the beginning of August one of the things that I found remarkable about this lovely city on the lake is their love of flowers and the quantities that one sees around the city, simply amazing! Rather than just show you photos of some of my favorites I thought I'd use this opportunity to give some advice and point out why each of these examples is successful. Ready, this is going to be a good one. And if it weren't pitch black outside right now I think I might be inclined to run out and put some of my own advice to use, enjoy! And…
How To Create Gorgeous Planters With Mixed Succulents
One of the great things about having an extensive succulent garden is that you can create new pots with lovely mixes of different species! And while succulents are all the rage no one really seems to be talking about what to do when those succulent babies grow up. Or maybe they don't grow up as people are trying to raise them indoors which isn't preferable? Hmmmm. In any case, I'm here to tell you that some succulents grow quickly and others do not, and many infact become quite leggy and not so attractive, meaning a good trim is generally necessary. With that in mind, new pots of succulents can then…
Fragrant Stephanoitis Vine in Bloom!
Are you aquainted with a lovely fragrant vine called Stephanoitis? Well let me tell you, vines are wonderful, and flowering vines are wonderful, and flowering fragrant vines are the very best of all. Stephanoitis is often used in wedding bouquets on account of its sturdy and fragrant clusters of little blooms, and it can also be grown as a house plant! It is true, I have killed two large Stephanoitis vines in my container garden, as it really doesn't do well in cold weather, and so now I have learned my lesson, and even this little vine will be coming indoors come winter!
Climbing Roses In A Container Garden
If you love climbing roses (who wouldn't?) but you don't have any actual land to call your own, not to worry, you can grow climbing roses in containers, you just have to be a bit more patient and have slightly lower expectations. My lovely pink climbing roses have finally started to reach the height I was dreaming of when I planted them……(9 years ago!) and it is truly exciting. And as you can see, the clusters of blooms are truly lovely. I have a large built-in trough shaped planter (about 3 stories above any actual ground) next to our entrance courtyard that holds three standard rose bushes and two climbing…