Four Easy Care Flowering Plants For Your Sub-Tropical or Zone 5/6/7 Container Garden!
After a long winter in Northern Israel, and a bit of a slow start in the Spring due to more rainfall than usual, my somewhat neglected (or shall we say low-maintenance?) container garden is now coming alive with gorgeous blooms! Somewhat of a miracle though likely thanks to husband’s recent interest in watering our botanical friends, thankfully. Here are four tried and true plants that bloom year after year here in my sub-tropical/zone 6 climate of Northern Israel, which includes frost and some freezes now and again. Container gardening is such a pleasure and a lovely way to bring greenery into your life even if, like me, you don’t have…
Essential Tips For Creating A Family-Friendly Garden
Pride Of Madeira with its huge cones of purple flowers grows effortlessly in Northern Israel. Israel has a large variety of plants: the country’s cities and suburbs are amass with flowers which attract all kinds of wildlife with no less than 2600 varieties and over 135 types of butterflies! In order to do our own part in preserving our amazing wealth of flora and fauna, spending time and effort in our own gardens will ensure that we embrace wildlife while also creating a beautiful environment for the family to enjoy. Whether you’d love to grow geraniums in your garden, prefer to grow your own food or would like to create…
A Fabulous Succulent Globe In Montreal At The BioSphere
Despite great hopes for continuing my crafting spree this week, that just isn’t possible on account of a bunch of graphic design and brand development work that floated by and got stuck in my radar, so this week I’m going to continue sharing with you more photos from our adventures this past August in Canada and New York State. And since my mother especially appreciates these posts, hi mom, enjoy! Hands down, one of my favorite spots in Montreal is the Biosphere designed by Buckminster Fuller for the 1967 World’s Fair, and while I did share a few photos with you, I saved these photos of this fantastic succulent globe…
Lantana In Bloom Is Stunning And Drought Tolerant
I have a soft spot for Lantana, the plant which is characterized by balls of colorful flowers that are made up of clusters of the sweetest little flowers you've ever seen. And so earlier this week when I was out and about with my camera one morning, I just had to capture a few shots of these beauties…….. to share with you and to remind myself to plant a bunch in a garden that I've designed and landscaped, as well as in my own container garden. The wonderful thing about lantana is that it comes in intense reds and oranges, as well as in a color combo of light pinks…
Pride Of Madeira, Dramatic and Draught Resistant In No CAL and Northern Israel!
The Pride Of Madeira plants that I planted in a little neighborhood garden that I designed four or so years ago are in bloom, and it is truly a gorgeous site! I thought I'd share a few photos with you for those of you who might like to try a plant that has a great Meditteranean garden flair, grows really quickly and is very dramatic looking. Sorry folks on the East Coast this one isn't for you, but those in California and Texas, and other areas without freezing winters, run out and get one! In fact that reminds me that I'd like to try growing one in a container in…
Hedenbergia Vine In Bloom, On The Late Side…..
If you follow my blog, you may already know that I just love sharing with you signs of the changing seasons. Migrating birds, blooming trees, ripening pomegranates and grapes are just a few of the things that make us excited around here, and I now share with you my yearly photos of my hedenbergia vine in bloom…..something that usually happens during the winter as opposed to early Spring, but so be it! Right about now, when some of you may be thinking about your garden, whether in containers or in actually earth, I'd like to recommend this lovely vine to you…….it blooms in the winter when all else in the…