Israel: Nature
Almond Trees In Bloom In Northern Israel, A Yearly Treat
The almond trees are now in bloom in Northern Israel, right on time I might add, and we are so very happy to witness this lovely passage into Spring yet again this year. I set out for a little shopping trip with my daughter with camera in hand as the store we were walking to is situated in one of the areas with greatest number of old almond trees, and big sigh, what a lovely site! I know so many of you enjoy seeing photos of Isreal, the Isreal that I know and love, so enjoy this little photo essay! Just by the way, here in Israel (dry dessert areas…
A Visit To Rosh HaNikra, Israel On The Mediterranean Coast
Once every two weeks or so, my husband and I drive about an hour west to visit our 14 year old son who is in sleep-away Yeshiva in Nahariya. Fortunately Nahariya happens to be on the Mediterranean, and so after years of being starved of the ocean views that I crave, I am now happy as can be, as each visit we generally go for a drive and visit a site somewhere in the vicinity. This time we decided to visti Rosh HaNikra, which is less than a 15 minute drive (10km/6 miles) from the Yeshiva, and one of my very favorite places in Israel. Rosh HaNikra, “head of the…
Low Tide At Achziv On The Israeli Meditteranean Coast
We are very very busy preparing for the seven day holiday of Succot, (followed by another holiday called Simchat Torah) but I’m just popping in to share with you some recent photos of one of my most beloved spots in Israel: the rocky yet accesible coastline just above the city of Nahariya in a place called Achziv. As it turns out my fourteen year old son is now going to high school/Yeshiva in Nahariya, so while we miss him terribly, as least when we visit (on the weeks he does not come home for shabbat) this lovely spot is just about a ten minute drive from his yeshiva. So, while…
The Thorny Caper Weed Now In Bloom Leads To An Interesting Discovery!
The thorny caper, which generally grows as a weed here in Israel, has such a lovely exotic flower, that one can't help but notice it! I've seen this "weed" growing all over the place, and have always thought that it was much too lovely for something that can be a bit obnoxious. And as you'll see from all the photos that follow in this post, I was atually quite captivated by its beauty earilier this week. The funny thing is that I had no idea what this plant actually was called, and had no success in my google search, until I remembered that I have seen the same plant growing…
Pomegranate Trees In Bloom In Northern Israel
Yes, dear readers, if you take a walk around my neighborhood you too can witness the transition of the flowers on the pomegranate tree to that of tiny fruit! There is something so very special about the yearly cycle of all of the holy seven plant/tree species that grow here in Israel, but those that we can observe in our very own backyard, namely pomegranates, grapes, figs and olives are near and dear! And the pomegranate tree is especially lovely as its blooms are bright red, and currently dotting the landscape all over town. When the trees become filled with nearly ripened fruit, towards the end of summer, well that too…
- Adventures With Children, Israel: Ancient Burial Sites, Israel: Holy Sites, Israel: Nature, Israel: Northern
A Visit To The Gravesite Of Devorah The Prophetess
Above: A Roman era sarcaphogus, not actually used to bury Devorah, but the same location was used for hundreds even a thousand years after Devorah for burial as well. During the week of Passover we were fortunate to have enough lovely weather (though quite a bit rain as well) to venture out a bit and do some exploring here in Northern Israel, not far from home. The Galil, especially the area close to Lebanon is lush and lovely in the Spring, and this time we went to visit the gravesite of Devorah (Deborah, yes THE Deborah) the Prophetess, located in a place call Tel Kedesh, about 500 meters from the…