Ten Things To Do In The Hamptons With Kids
It is true, beach season isn’t for another six months, but I encourage you to start thinking about your summer vacation plans now, when most properties have not yet been booked! Yes indeed, now is time to find the vacation rental that suits you perfectly rather than having to choose from what is available by the time you actually get around to planning that vacation. (I’ve certainly been there.) And if you have a special occasion you’d like to celebrate or a family get together is long overdue, all the more reason to start planning early. I love vacation destinations that include the ocean, and I also jump at every…
Top Kiev Spot: Zamkova Hora, Castle Hill With An Amazing View
Isn’t this view wonderful? I just loved Kiev and since we were only there on an introductory visit I can’t wait to go back and explore! Fortunately as we walked up Andrew’s Descent in Podil I remembered something about some stairs, so when I saw them I knew we just had to make the climb, and boy was it worth it. The view from Zamkova Hora, Castle Hill is not to be missed! Come, lets take a look!
Top Kiev Spot: The Colorful Architecture Of Podil
If you ever decide to visit Kiev, and I hope to go again in the not too distant future, do spend some time exploring the Podil neighborhood, as it is truly delightful! I just love the colorful stucco buildings, the street cars, the street art and a feeling that didn’t remind me of anywhere else in the world! Kiev has some truly amazing sights and you can do it really inexpensively, a studio apartment vacation rental in the Podil neighborhood can be rented for around $20 a night, really truly! In the mean time, come with me for a little walk around the neighborhood, won’t you?
Jewish Stained Glass Windows Celebrate Triumph Over Tragedy
These beautiful and very modern stained glass windows are located in the Podil Synagogue in Kiev, Ukraine. They are colorful and graphic and I do wish I could get a breakdown of all the elements and their meaning, as there was certaily a great deal of thought and effort put into their design. One of the overwhelming feelings I get from looking at this set of stained glass windows, located in the lobby of the Synagogue, is the idea of triumph over tragedy, which is certainly a very fitting concept now that we are in the period on the Jewish calender called “the three weeks” leading up to the very…
The Motherland Monument In Kyiv, Ukraine
During our short stay in Kiev, or Kyiv, Ukraine, one of my favorite locations was the site of the Motherland Monument, which is part of the World War 2 Museum, and overlooks the Dnieper River. The monument is stunning, and the view of Kiev and the river are lovely. Truly at the top of my personal list for must-sees in Kiev. We did not go into the museum, which is where you can go up into the statue, but I think that if I have the chance again, I would like to go into the museum as the Socialistic representation of the war, seen outside on the plaza via sculptures…
Very Early Spring In Uman, Ukraine
I am still sharing with you photos from our Passover trip to the Ukraine, which is fortunate as I've been so busy with graphic design work that I have not had even a moment to craft, though I am dreaming of it! On our adventures in the Ukraine our home base was Uman, not the most beautiful city I must say as the Ukraine is very depressed generally except in the large cities like Odessa and Kiev. Uman is a total mish mash of new and old pre-war, post-war, you name it, though it is home to a very lovely park called Gan Sofia (in Hebrew) which is a must.…