Pine Cone Owl Craft With An Artful Twist
Since this week has been all about owls and owl crafts and painted owls, I just had to try making a pine cone owl because pine cones are the perfect shape, right? Not to mention that natural look of belly feathers! Of course I couldn’t just whip out the felt and copy someone else’s owl pine cone, I had to come up with something just a bit original, realistically because i have no idea where my felt is at the moment, nor if I have anything more than brown and green…..So introducing a pine cone owl with an artful twist, meaning some painted paper scraps and a few little doodads…
Summer Camp Crafts: Pine Cone Pineapples
I have taken this craft out of the archives and dusted it off as it is a great partner to my pine cone animals post. Plus it truly is one of the cutest nature crafts ever, right? And pineapples can be any color, not just yellow as long as you have a few yellow ones in the bunch. Best of all, you’ll hopefully have to take a nature walk to collect the pinecones, so enjoy! I have been wanting to make pinecone pineapples for a few months now, and even painted the pinecones yellow before Passover, and finally found the time to give this fantastic summer craft, that would…