Crafts for Kids,  Crafts: Recycling,  Crafts: Spring,  Holiday: Tu B'Shevat Crafts

Stand Up Tree Craft Is Perfect For Tu B’Shevat!

Kid's Tree Craft For Tu B'Shevat

Isn't this standing tree just the sweetest? Thanks so much to a reader Orit, who sent this in to share what she did with her four year old, love it! They'll be using their tree as a centerpiece this shabbat when we also celebrate the wonderful holiday of Tu B'Shevat, the new year for the trees. This craft is a combination of two projects from the archives, my winter tree from recycled cardboard, and my cherry blossom tree craft.

My kids are now hovering around early teens, so they are busy with school work, piano lessons and for some even more learning after school…….so after a long day they are not really interested in crafting, and when they get home I am usually busy trying to get dinner ready and the house in somewhat functioning order! So, not a lot of crafting going on around here with the kids, so I was especially happy to receive this photo!


