Holiday: Tu B'Shevat Crafts,  Vegetable Carving

Vegetable Carving 101: How To Carve A Carrot Leaf Garnish

Vegetable carving carved carrot leaf garnish

 As promised yesterday, I honed my carrot leaf carving skills, and now present to you another installment in my Vegetable Carving 101 course, How To Carve A Carrot Leaf Garnish. It really is so simple and the results are fabulous. And for busy folks like most of us, these can be made days and days ahead of time! I'll be using these Friday night as we celebrate the Jewish holiday of Tu B'Shevat, the Jewish New Year For The Trees, and can't wait to see my Shabbat table filled with all kinds of carved fruits and veggies, time permitting of course!

Carrot Leaf Garnish How To Carve

You'll Need:

  • large carrots
  • a good chefs knife for cutting carrot slices
  • a thai vegetable carving knife

How To:

Follow the photos above, and with just a little practice, you too can carve great looking leaves. The right knife definately helps, as do large carrots, but give it a try with whatever you have on hand, and maybe the results will surprise you!

Save leaves submerged in water in the fridge for at least a week, and if longer do change the water!

