Vegetable Carving
Vegetable Carving 101: How To Carve A Carrot Leaf Garnish
As promised yesterday, I honed my carrot leaf carving skills, and now present to you another installment in my Vegetable Carving 101 course, How To Carve A Carrot Leaf Garnish. It really is so simple and the results are fabulous. And for busy folks like most of us, these can be made days and days ahead of time! I'll be using these Friday night as we celebrate the Jewish holiday of Tu B'Shevat, the Jewish New Year For The Trees, and can't wait to see my Shabbat table filled with all kinds of carved fruits and veggies, time permitting of course!
Vegetable Carving 101: Simple Carved Carrot Leaf
At long last I have found a really good reason to continue exploring the world of fruit and vegetable carving: the holiday of Tu B'Shevat is coming up this Friday night, and since we'll be celebrating with loading the table with as many kinds of fruit (and nuts) as possible, carved fruit and veggie platters seem just perfect. So introducing another instalment of Vegetable Carving 101, this time it is Simple Carved Carrot leaves! The great part about carrot leaves is that they can be made way ahead, like now for example, and will keep perfectly in the fridge in a container of water. The little leaves you see here…
Fruit Carving 101: Carved Cantelope Fish
Isn't my carved cantelope fish just the cutest? I have to admit, when we were about to carve this little fish in my fruit carving class a few weeks ago I was really quite sceptical, but once I saw the results, well, I just want to make some more! My son's bar mitzvah is just a week after Rosh HaShana, and he was born 2 days before the New Year, so I'm hoping he'll agree to some carved fish on the buffet table! The only thing is that I'll have to carve my fish from pumpkin, as there won't be any centelope in sight……could be great too, and I'm even…
Vegetable Carving 101: Simple Carved Radish Garnish
Radishes always look great as part of a spread of salads, and now I'll honestly tell you that a few simple carved radishes thrown into the equation is truly stunning! And best of all radishes keep really well in cold water in the fridge, so you can make these little radish flower garnishes days ahead of when you'll actually need them. And that my friends is truly a great thing, as I can't see my self whipping up carved veggies on the spot, I'm much prefer to pull them out of my fridge and garnish away! Okay, ready to carve a radish? Lets get started!
Vegetable Carving 101: Simple Cucumber Fan Garnish
Isn't this cucumber fan garnish that also loos like a honeysuckle flower lovely? You can make one of these in just a few minutes, and then use it to add a beautiful touch as a garnish on a plate of salad or even fish of some kind. I made mine into a single flower, but you could certainly make a bunch and form a crown or a fanned circle with them, just for starters! Okay, lets get carving!
Vegetable Carving 101: Watermelon Rind Leaves Garnish
Are you ready for a little watermelon carving that is totally simple with gorgeous results? Give these watermelon rind leaves a try, and you'll never look back, believe me, they are truly fantastic! I love the fact that the carving is made using something that anyway gets thrown out, and that these leaves can be made ahead, and kept in the fridge in water. I just put some in the freezer to see if that will work too, as I really want to use some of these leaves for my son's Bar Mitzvah, and there won't be any watermelons in sight then! I'll let you know how the freezing works,…