Crafts: Recycling,  Crochet With Recycled Materials,  DIY Yarn From Linens And Clothes,  Recycled Fabric Crafts,  Recycled Sheets Crafts,  Recycled T-Shirt Crafts

DIY T-Shirt And Sheet Yarn Is A Spring Cleaning Tradition!

DIY t-shirt and sheet yarnYes, dear readers, when you see photos of DIY sheet and t-shirt yarn, you can surely guess that the Pesach house cleaning and organizing has begun! And of course, since I'd rather craft than clean, one of the first things I always do is look for old sheets that are no longer presentable, and clothing whose condition is too poor to pass along to those in need. (We happen to have many neighbors with large families who always appreciate out hand me downs, so I only cut up really ragged t-shirts and night gowns and such.)

Lucky for me, one of the things that was begging to be made into sheet yarn was a comforter cover, the optimal thing to use as from the giant tupe that results cutting off the two ends, one can make one continual piece quite easitly. And that green yarn? That is from my daugher's old nightgown, yippee!

DIY sheet and t-shirt yarn

I have made many projects with both sheet yarn and t-shirt yarn, just click on the categories listed below this post to see them all, and for tips for making this yarn, there should also be a list of posts with photos appearing below. Enjoy, I can say this one thing I love to do, and feel great about doing!





  • Erica

    I’ve been wanting to try making T-shirt yarn for a while. To be honest, though, I’d rather just save myself the hassle and buy t-shirt yarn. I love your blog! Have a good day.

  • Sara Rivka

    Hi Erica, it is true making it yourself is a hassle, but it is a nice way to recycle a bunch of old clothes, or best of all, a sheet made from jersey fabric. When you make it yourself the results are much more rustic looking and less precious, which might be desirable in some cases, and of course it is free. I didnt used to have access to commercial t-shirt yarn in our little town, but now it is available for a reasonable price, so yes, I generally buy it. Making your own yarn with sheets is another thing altogether, and that is totally worth it!