DIY Yarn From Linens And Clothes
DIY T-Shirt Yarn From Boy’s Striped Shirts
Passover is in exactly three weeks, and at this point we should be in the middle of turning the house inside out……and so of course at this point the procrastination monster takes charge and says why not make some t-shirt yarn? After all lovely balls of homemade t-shirt yarn just waiting to be used is much more orderly than a pile of old striped shirts that have seen better days, right? Ha, ha ha, but what can I say i just love seeing the balls of yarn from old garments and linens piling up! Thinking of making some DIY t-shirt yarn yourself? You really should, just keep reading for a…
- Crafts: Recycling, Crochet With Recycled Materials, DIY Yarn From Linens And Clothes, Recycled Fabric Crafts, Recycled Sheets Crafts, Recycled T-Shirt Crafts
DIY T-Shirt And Sheet Yarn Is A Spring Cleaning Tradition!
Yes, dear readers, when you see photos of DIY sheet and t-shirt yarn, you can surely guess that the Pesach house cleaning and organizing has begun! And of course, since I'd rather craft than clean, one of the first things I always do is look for old sheets that are no longer presentable, and clothing whose condition is too poor to pass along to those in need. (We happen to have many neighbors with large families who always appreciate out hand me downs, so I only cut up really ragged t-shirts and night gowns and such.) Lucky for me, one of the things that was begging to be made into…
- Crafts: Crochet, Crafts: Recycling, Crochet Decor And Home, Crochet With Recycled Materials, DIY Yarn From Linens And Clothes
Crocheted Rustic Fruit Basket To Make From Old T-Shirts
What can I tell you? I just adore this little crocheted basket that I made using yarn from some of my boy's old t-shirts and striped polo style shirts. And in my humble opiinion one can never really have too many baskets, and fun rustic ones like this add a really nice seasonal touch, especially for fall. Dont you just love persimmons, I'm already lamenting the day when they'll no longer be in season……but I digress. The yarn that I make from t-shirts is never as thin as the commercial t-shirt yarn, which means that you can actually make a much sturdier basket with your cast offs! Like some more…