Recycled Paper Towel Tube Palm Trees For Passover (Or Anytime, Of Course!)
Passover (or more correctly "Pesach" as it is said in hebrew) starts on Monday night, and the only way I have found time to post this little craft is that the husband and kids are out doing some grocery shopping for the holiday, meaning there is no one who thinks that there may be more important things to do right now……..no one that is, who realizes how important you, dear readers, are to me! So I'll just quickly introduce you to this little idea that was born on account of going through a ton of paper towels as we try to wrap up the gigantic job of cleaning the house…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, and thanks so much for joining me here! Spring crafting is underway in the northern hemisphere, and those of us who observe the holiday of Passover are right now getting really serious with the holiday preparations, as the week long holiday starts next Monday night…….Of course there are those (the club I have yet to join) who have already finished all the hard work and are starting to cook and freeze food, as they will be hosting their large families, and cooking ahead certainly helps those who prepare the food enjoy the holiday more. Many families, and especially those living outside of Israel with…