Judah’s Tree, Klil HaChoresh, Now In Bloom In Northern Israel!
The klil hahoresh tree is now in bloom in Northern Israel, and it is truly a delight. The blooms are so unusual, and when one drives out of the city the tree covered hillsides are puncutated by bright pink, love it! Okay, I just realized that while I wrote Red Bush on the photo, this tree is in fact a look-alike cousin of Red Bush, and not exactly the same tree, or something like that, as I have explained in a previous post here. In any case, name aside, the blooming of these trees is another yearly event, like the blooming of the almond trees, that gives me great joy.…
Ten Plagues Passover Seder Craft For Kids
This ten plagues craft is from the archives, but still just too cute not to feature again, so enjoy! And of course, adults can join in on the fun too! A good four plus years ago I had a group of fearless crafters, namely boys ages 7-10 who enthusiastically spent a few hours making a fun ten plagues passover craft! This is actually a mini version of the Ten Plagues Placards that I made a few years back, and certainly a little easier for kids to make themselves. Set the kids up with just a few simple supplies, and this project could literally occupy them for hours! I’m sure that…
Brush Lettering With Watercolor Background Passover Craft And Birthday Card
Thanks to the handiwork of my 15 year old daughter, I now share with you her latest brush lettering project, a birthday card and a Passover sign that fits into the theme right now, which is to figure out how to get it all done without going crazy! Cards like these are really quite simple to make, whether you go for faux calligraphy, brush lettering as seen here, or even something a bit more refined. The secret it the amazing technique used to effortlessly create this random water color background ! Make signs to put all over the house to mark your cleaning progress and/or keep the troops happy.…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to craft schooling Sunday and thanks so much for joining me here! Spring is in the air, and the Jewish holiday of Passover starts in just three short weeks, so with so much to do! Most of us take advantage of the need to clean for Passover and turn it into a top to bottom Spring house cleaning, while others concentrate mainly on the kitchen which is truly a must, as are any other areas where food was eaten or where little ones may have left bits of food. So grateful for a washing machine this time of year, as it runs non-stop cleaning blankets and backpacks and you…
Painted Pyramids For Passover Crafting
As you may have noticed I’m currently exploring painting with gouache, and having a great time. In fact I’d like to drop everything else and just paint……okay maybe just a bit everyday at this point, because I just love the vivid matte color one can easily achieve with gouache. And yes indeed, that is why pattern designers have always used gouache for creating patterns……it is quite wonderful really. As you can see I had the idea to paint some bright geometric pyramids to make some whimsical Passover decorations, and here are the results thus far. As a family friendly craft, those who are able could paint the pyramids and cut…
How To Doodle A Sun Using A Pen And Some Paint
Passover is right around the corner, so how about starting by doodling a few elements that can be used to set the stage for the Passover story? Lets start with that oh so hot desert sun that the Jewish people certainly experienced in Egypt! There are so many ways to draw the sun, and one can and should spend a little time working on a few ideas to make your own version of this sun doodle. These were actually my second attempt, and I used the best ideas from my first try, which produced some which were more like stars! Doodling on a ground of color, in this case circles…