Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Whoops, my plans for the auto post described below didn’t work for some reason, so now am posting this party a week later, thanks for stopping by! Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, today is the Jewish holiday of Shavuos, and this party was on a timer to post automatically, because when you read this we will be starting our joyful holiday, which means no computer, no phone, etc, lovely unplugged family time! This year Shavous (or rather Shavuot) is back to back with shabbos, which means 2 unplugged days in a row for those of us in Israel, and 3 unplugged days in a row elsewhere. While we do not…
Mother In Law’s Tongue About To Bloom!
I grew up with a huge pot on mother in law’s tongue, Sanseveria, in our home, and I had no idea that this plant blooms and quite ilkely does so every year in its native environment in West Africa. i have read about folk burying an apple in their pot of Sansevieria to get it to bloom with the help of the ethanol released by the apple, but other than that my knowledge of its blooms was quite limited. Two years ago after arriving home from a 6 week summer trip I saw stalks of dried blooms on the plant, to my great surprise, and last year the same thing…
A Mediterranean Style Garden With Arches Of Bougainvillea
Ever drooled over those photos from Greece and Morocco showing bright magenta bougainvillea growing up a white wall next to a blue door? Yes, me too, and the good news is that bougainvillea, and even more specifically the magenta bougainvillea grows really well in our mountain town here in Northern Israel. There are at least four colors of bougainvillea: magenta, deep coral, light orange and white, but apparently the magenta strain in the hardiest, especially important if you live in a location like mine that does get snow occassionally, and of course also important if you are planning to grow bougainvillea in a container, in which case it is less…
Jacaranda Trees In Bloom In Northern Israel!
With this year’s long winter and lots of rain, the Jacaranda trees are I believe blooming a bit later that usual, but this is okay, as the trees all over our town in Northern Israel were in full bloom for the Jewish holiday of Shavuos, which was just perfect! When I designed a large semi-public garden just down the street Jacaranda trees were on my list of must includes, and now that the trees have matured a bit, they look amazing peeking over the stone garden wall, especially when full of purple blooms. The trees were planted in a oblong patch of dirt that was left untouched when we poured…
Four Easy Care Flowering Plants For Your Sub-Tropical or Zone 5/6/7 Container Garden!
After a long winter in Northern Israel, and a bit of a slow start in the Spring due to more rainfall than usual, my somewhat neglected (or shall we say low-maintenance?) container garden is now coming alive with gorgeous blooms! Somewhat of a miracle though likely thanks to husband’s recent interest in watering our botanical friends, thankfully. Here are four tried and true plants that bloom year after year here in my sub-tropical/zone 6 climate of Northern Israel, which includes frost and some freezes now and again. Container gardening is such a pleasure and a lovely way to bring greenery into your life even if, like me, you don’t have…
Whoops, Sorry About That Craft Schooling Sunday Resumes Next Week
Dear Readers, Yesterday, Sunday was the Jewish holiday of shavuot, a festive holiday in which we celebrate the receiving of the Torah. This year it was back to back with Shabbat, which meant two unplugged days for us, here in Israel, and three unplugged days for all the Jews observing the holiday around the world everywhere except Israel. I had planned for Craft Schooling Sunday to post automatically, and thought I had taken care of that, but just before shabbat I had no internet service and could not check to make sure all was ready to go. Now the holiday is over and apparently all was not ready to go…