Recycling Crafts For Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur starts on Tuesday night, so now is the time to honor the holiday with some simple recycling crafts! It is true, that if you are building a succah, crafting time might be more well spent on making succah decorations, but if you are among those that travel to family for Succot, then why not make some Yom Kippur crafts? And, two out of the four crafts I’ve presented here can also be used in the Succah, so with time of the essence, lets get crafting!
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! I am back from Rosh HaShana travels which I will share with you as soon as I finish sharing my summer travels, with so many more photos to go over and edit in that area, no complaints! We are now in the period on the Jewish calendar called the “Ten Days of Repentence” which leads up to the holiday of Yom Kippur, so this is a serious period for lots of introspection and righting our wrongs, as well as preparing for Yom Kippur, but mostly the 7/8 day holiday of Succot. I’m assuming that most folks that include…
The Royal Palace In Stockholm, Sweden
We have now proclaimed our creator to be King on the Jewish New Year, Rosh HaShana, so sharing the Royal Palace in Stockholm Sweden is very timely indeed! While we did not go on any palace tours or visit any museums within the palace, we enjoyed seeing it from the front and the back! The palace is located in Stockholm’s Old City, which is a very charming place to explore, and so do set aside some extra time to get away from the crowds of tourists and explore the quaint alley ways! Lest I digress, back to the palace, which is not the home of the King and Queen, but…
Simple Seven Species Ink Paintings For The Succah
Last year I added some seven species paintings to our Succah decor, but didn’t have time to share then with you as they were created the night before the holiday. The good news is that I came across the photos and I now present to you a creative way to get the symbolism of the seven holy species into your Succah and have fun painting at the same time! I made my paintings to go inside these ornate Moroccan frames, while you can make yours to fit into any frames you might have on hand. Okay, shall we get painting? Lets do it……..
- Crafts: Fall, Crafts: Paper, Crafts: Winter, Holiday: Succah Decor, Recycled Light Bulb Crafts, Wedding Decorations
Accordian Folded Paper Leaves
With Rosh HaShana now under our belts, it is time to think about Succah decorations, and this year I think I’m going to make a large number of accordion folded paper leaves for some artful vines to cover the Succah walls. Well that is one of my plans at the moment, but don’t hold your breath as that could change between now and the time that I actually start the heavy duty crafting! Nonetheless, these golden leaves are simple to make, and can be made any size you desire (meaning large, folks!) and have a very sculptural modern look to them. I’m dreaming of lots of vines running up the…