Swedish Summer Paradise On Lake Siljan
Ready to learn about a jaw-dropping vacation spot in the Dalarna regions of Sweden? This is it dear friends, and I am still feeling very very blessed to have experienced such an amazing lake view, and a dock to match, with clean cool water for swimming! And no, this does not cost a fortune, but rather about $60 a night, (for 3) with bring your own sheets…….a true Swedish summer experience, and I’m still pinching myself looking at these photos! And just by the way, Sweden if full of very inexpensive summer cottages to rent, especially budget friendly if you’re willing to forego a toilet! Okay, back to the subject at hand, Lake Siljan, just outside the town of Mora was our destination, and it was truly special. Not to mention wild flowers and berries everywhere……..Let’s take a closer look!
Our own private dock and boathouse just below the rental.
A pristine lake literally to ourselves, because there are so many locations just like this in Sweden!
Some neighbors down the road, and a closer look at that ski hill across the lake.
In Sweden farms seem to have been built as little villages, forming a community, which surely makes sense. To get to our rental we drove through the center of this little community with many barns of course, and sweet as can be!

What a beautiful, peaceful looking spot! Reminds me of when we drove up one state to Georgia last Summer for our honeymoon. Nothing like it where I live.
Sara Rivka
Yes, amazing! The only place Ive been that is remotely similar, is the Adirondacks in NY state, a bit closer for you, but without the Swedish charm!