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Quick Recycled Cardboard Envelope For Your Handmade Card

DIY-envelope-from-Fed-Ex-envelopeAfter I whipped up my handmade new baby card, using some of the simple botanical sketches I’ve been practicing in my sketchbook, I realized that I really needed an envelope, especially since I didn’t have a gift that was the right size to go along with the card….hmmm. A quick search in my studio, and no envelopes to be found (though while I’m typing this I now remember where I may have put some during Passover cleaning) so I realized that I simply needed to create my own envelope that could also serve as protection for the sweet card during its travels to the recipients. So, introducing my 5 minute cardboard envelope, made as you may be able to tell, from a Fed Ex cardboard envelope! Of course cereal box cardboard is also the perfect weight for making cardboard envelopes, so hopefully you can find something, or just drop by my house and I’ll throw a cereal box out the door at you……Okay, lets get started, come on, its so simple and no more worrying about not having an envelope, just make one!

DIY-envelope-from-Fed-Ex-envelopeYou’ll Need:

  • light weight cardboard, like a FedEx envelope or cereal box
  • duct tape
  • scissors

How To:

  1. My envelope does not have a flap, but you can certainly make one that does by just drawing a triangle on the end of the rectangle you’ll be cutting out.
  2. This envelope is a rectangle folded in half. I made the envelope only slightly bigger than the card, meaning the entire piece is twice the size of the card plus a small border.
  3. Cut a half circle out of the middle of one end.
  4. Fold in half and neatly secure the sides with duct tape.
  5. Address your envelope (next time I’ll do something fancier if  have time) and voila!

One Comment

  • Alexandra

    Excellent idea! Every time I mail something made of paper, I always worry about it getting bent, and try to include a piece of cardboard for stability. This is a much nicer way to incorporate it.