8 Tips For Safely Using A Chainsaw On A DIY Project
We are in the middle of an extreme heat wave here in Israel, so it doesn’t really feel like Fall, but with Rosh HaShana in less than two weeks, and the Jewish holiday season to follow, that means it is basically Fall, cool weather or not! So that said let’s start thinking about bringing some nature indoors this coming Fall and Winter season with wood slice crafts! Wow, there are really so so many DIY crafts that make amazing use of wood slices, whether it be thick sticks or huge trunks, you name it, there’s a DIY to go with it! (Think anything from fridge magnets to coffee tables.) For those who live near forest areas or have property with trees that need thinning now and again, DIY wood slice crafts are certainly an amazing way to use some of that wood. The rest of us can buy already-cut wood slices to our heart’s content and maybe dream about someday having a yard full of fallen tree parts, that with the help of a chainsaw could become great DIY material. While this article is really about how to safely use a chainsaw, I thought I’d combine it with inspiration for DIY wood slice projects that can be relevant to us all! So, chainsaw, or not, enjoy this inspiration and happy Fall crafting!
Above: A large wood slice plant hanger, source unknown, and a wall covered in wood slices, courtesy of www.marthastewart.com/271916/birch-wall-panel
I will admit, I have been dreaming of a workshop equipped with power tools for years, as that could mean making so many more things for my house and garden. While I can’t say the time has come just yet for me and a wood working shop, I am always interested in learning about power tools, so that when the time comes, I’ll be ready! A chainsaw is an indispensable item for large DIY projects that involve trees, not to mention cutting firewood or trimming shrubs, but it poses a significant threat if not handled properly. So, if you need to have some trees removed and have no chainsaw experience, I’d say go with a professional. One can find an affordable tree removal company in Citrus Heights, just for example, so I’m sure there are many budget friendly options nationwide.
A chainsaw can save you lots of time and labor, and enable you to cut all the wood slices of your dreams, but keep in mind that it poses risk at the same time, as it requires intensive care and caution to handle safely. If you are new to operating a chainsaw, you’ll need to be extra cautious. A little negligence can lead to very serious if not disabling injury.
To get the best out of your chainsaw and stay safe, follow the below-mentioned safety measures for handling a chainsaw, and of course lock up your chainsaw if there are any folks around who might be tempted to use it without permission!
1. Wear The Necessary Safety Clothing And Equipment
The first and foremost rule of handling a chainsaw is proper safety equipment and clothing. Never compromise on the safety measures! Using a chainsaw can be scary, so don’t force yourself to do something a professional could do unless you have the confidence. If you decide to go for it, make sure to have the following:
a) Gloves
b) Hard Hat
c) Chaps
d) Goggles
e) Boot
f) Hearing Protection
Whether you are an expert or a rookie, do not operate without these safety measures. You may have to spend more at first, but your safety is all that matters.
Above: Wood slice chargers are gorgeous, courtesy of facebook.com/labolaweddings, as are wood slice table centerpieces, gorgeous, source unknown.
2. Know Your Machine & Manual
Before starting to work with your chainsaw, get to know your machine. Without knowing all the features your tool offers, it wouldn’t be wise to jump straight into using it. Read the manual thoroughly to understand how to use your chainsaw. If you fail to understand anything, contact the manufacturer. If possible, take part in short training sessions about handling the chainsaw. Also, there are many videos available on YouTube where you can learn how to use a chainsaw safely.
Additionally, there are different types of chainsaws available on the market and it is important to first determine which one you need before you buy one. Currently, many DIY enthusiasts use battery-powered chainsaws because of their convenience.
3. Ensure A Safe Workplace
Whether you are working in your backyard or a forest area, always check your surroundings first. Electric cables especially pose problems, so steer clear of them! Work only when you are sure that felling the tree won’t disrupt the electric power lines. Beware of the vehicles or people around if you are working in an urban area. You can set a barricade to avoid any accidents. Be sure not to obstruct the public path. If you are working with someone else, keep them at least two trees’ distance away from yourself.
4. Select A Battery Powered Chainsaw As A Beginner
There are mainly two types of chainsaws available in the market; the petrol/gas driven and the electricity-driven. The latter is the newest addition to the market and is the easiest one to handle. It is the perfect chainsaw for you to start with if you are an amateur. Unlike the chainsaw that operates on petrol, the electric one doesn’t require a primary kicker to start the machine. A battery-powered chainsaw is very lightweight and easy to use compared to other chainsaws. You can start operating it with a simple push of a button. (I’ll take this one thanks.)
Above: Love this DIY wood slice wall hooks from https://abbottsathome.com/make-diy-wood-slice-hook/ and this wood slice candle and eucalyptus leaf table runner from Gathering Table Farm on Etsy.com
5. Plan Before Cutting
People don’t necessarily think to consider their surroundings and the position of the cut, but this is crucial for your safety! It doesn’t matter where you’ve started the cut. The only thing you need to assess is where the cut is going to finish, as the the saw bar’s exit point is crucial to safeguarding your legs and feet. Sweeping right through a log without considering where the blade exits may result in injury, so cut precisely and with forethought.
Above: Gorgeous and so simple wood slice side/coffee tables, origin unknown, are amazing DIY furniture.
6. Beware Of The Pull And Kickback
A chainsaw runs at 55 to 60 mph. Can you imagine the retreating force it can have on you? The number is already frightening, but as long as you are cutting wood only, you are safe and and won’t feel such pullbacks. Chainsaws were initially designed to cut only wood, and their teeth are configured in such a way so that you don’t feel the high retreating force. If however the bars of your chainsaw come in contact with rock or ground, it will exert a high resistive force towards you.
So, do make sure that the bars don’t touch the ground or rock, as you can be thrown backwards and sustain injury. Also working uphill or from a high angle can cause a kickback. Even when working with just wood problems can occur, so if the chain gets stuck on wood, stop the machine immediately to avoid the high inertia of pullback force that can cause terrible injury.
Above: A fun wood slice bookend DIY project from www.homedit.com/diy-half-log-bookends/
7. Use Boxer Stance Method
A boxer stance standing method is the safest way to operate your chainsaw as it provides the greatest degree of stability. You may ask what is the boxer stance ? It is really quite simple. If you are a right-handed person, you need to extend your left foot a bit in front, and try to position your feet in such a way that they maintains a shoulder width apart. Bend the knees while using the chainsaw.
Above: Super cute wood slice magnets and love this wood slice nursery mobile www.shelterness.com/wood-slice-decor-ideas/
8. Have Your Escape Route Ready
Last but not least, always be prepared to face an adverse situation anytime and practice strict adherence to the following two rules.
Firstly, never work alone. Always take a companion with you if going out to cut down a tree. If something goes wrong, you will have someone to count on. Secondly, it is of the utmost imperative to know the physics regarding where the tree is supposed to fall. Thus you will be able to avoid the danger a falling tree can impose!
Final Thoughts
Whenever you use a chainsaw, whether it is a battery-powered or not, make sure you maintain all the safety measures mentioned above. And even if a chainsaw won’t be a part of your life anytime soon, there are many folks who own chain saws and are happily preparing DIY wood slice supplies for us! So no excuses, get crafting!

One Comment
Excellent advice! I love looking at wood projects. I would like to learn how to use the tools necessary to get into woodworking. I am a tiny bit intimidated.