Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday Succot edition! Thanks so much for joining me here. Right now we are the beginning of the holiday of Succot. Since the first day of the holiday occurred on shabbat this year, we now have a whole week of what is called chol Hamoed, intermediary holiday days. Generally we are thrilled about this as it means more time for trips and visiting family, but with our country wide shut down we are mostly staying home. If I lived outside of Israel, I’d have to postpone the party once again, as everywhere in the world, except Israel, is still celebrating the Succos holiday unplugged until Sunday…
10 Benefits of Slow Cooking
Above Left: A cast bronze cholent pot from Germany, circa 1708, with the name of the family embossed on the pot, from the collection of The Jewish Museum, Jerusalem, on loan from the Jewish Museum of New York Above Right: Bialystock, Poland Nov 20,1932 Bringing pots of shabbos cholent to a baker’s oven on friday afternoon. Photo courtesy of YIVO Polish Jewish archive Slow cooking is part of a culinary culture that’s been around for centuries, and is in fact a huge part of Jewish culture, and specifically the Shabbat day meal, in Jewish homes around the world. Because cooking and baking are forbidden on Shabbat, special Shabbat dishes are…
DIY Tree Of Life Wall Decor Nature Craft
The tree of life is a universal Jewish symbol, and this year it is center stage in our succah, as a DIY tree of life nature craft! I’ll admit, I didn’t plan this at all, though husband had requested something new for the succah, for which my reply was a groan, NOW? Meaning a day or two before Succot, with so many things to do? Generally I do create at the last minute, but this year I had thought about just being ready days ahead, ha ha ha. And I am so grateful that I was open to letting the creativity sneak in as I just love this tree of…
- Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Birthday Decorations, Crafts: Paper, Holiday: Succah Decor, Party Decorations
A Quick Accordian Folded Paper Flower For The Succah!
If I am sharing succah crafts with you right now, namely decorations that are currently hanging in my succah, that must mean the Jewish holiday of Succot is quickly approaching. And yes indeed, one of my favorite holidays, that also happens to be seven days long, starts tomorrow night, so time is of the essence! While I had thought I’d be ready days ahead, hmmm, that didn’t quite happen as I was waiting for inspiration to strike with something new, and it did, PHEW, only I once again find myself crafting in the wee hours of the morning the night before the holiday, sigh! Lest I digress, if you happen…
Easy Garden Craft Projects For Kids
Fall is here and with cooler temperatures, now is a great time to spend more time outdoors! We will be spending 7 days in our Succah, which is part of the Jewish holiday of Succot, starting this Friday night, so that certainly qualifies as “outdoors!” There are so many ways to develop crafting/art skills, as well as gardening know-how with creative projects that can include anything from more complicated mosaics to very simple pots for cuttings using milk cartons. Right now those who celebrate succot are busy with succah decorations, which in many cases are similar to garden crafts, so this post can be inspiration for just about anyone right…