Simple Painted Treat Boxes From The Recycling Bin!
We are about to apparently welcome some snow so I’ll make this quick as I need to go cover my succulents and bring others indoors! I have quite a collection of little food and medicine boxes that I hope to use someday for a big installation of some kind, not to mention match boxes, but in the mean time, there is nothing quite as sweet as little painted treat boxes. (Or just make some artufl painted matchboxes for shabbat, a fun gift!) Purim is a great time to get creative with fun and artful packaging, so why not gather as many boxes as you can find, get out the paint and have fun creating something unique! Even if you don’t use them for gift giving, they also make great decor, any time! You can hot glue a bunch together, or tie them together with a beautiful ribbon, or use your creative packaging as part of a larger gift basket. The main thing is, get those creative gears turning, don’t worry about what someone might think of your painted toothpaste box! The box I’ve shared with you here is soooo simple, you won’t believe it, keep on reading!
- recycled food boxes, and even small match boxes, cute as can be!
- acrylic craft paint, a dark color like dark blue, payne’s grey, dark grey, black
- paint pens, medium nib, bright pink and white
How To:
This technique does not work in every case, but can always be the first layer for a more detailed painting if need be. Ready? Simply paint the box in a dark color, working one side at a time. While the paint is still wet, take the end of a small paint brush, and draw some botanicals. The colors on the box show through and you see the design, it is so much fun, and somewhat of a surprise.
Set aside to dry and add details, for example little dots, with paint pens.
Okay, no go give it a try! I’ve also done this on milk cartons with great results, and this could be done on a cereal box as well. Enjoy!
One Comment
Great idea and so simple. Even on a snow day, we have the supplies in the house!