Blog Party: Craft Schooling Sunday
Welcome Back To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome back to Craft Schooling Sunday, great to reconnect with everyone and looking forward to seeing what everyone has been up to! There are no features to feature, so sorry about that, lets just dive head first into the first party of 2020 and get inspired to have a very creative year! Okay, keep on reading for the link up.
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! With Hanukkah approaching in about 3 weeks, it is time to get crafting, and I hope to share some of the fun I’ve been up to, just still not up and running with the old computer which now looks like it may have seen its final days, sigh. Sooooo, in the mean time I’ve been using a little laptop but avoiding uploading my photos to that until now by reposting old material, which by the way is very abundant in my archives, so do check that out! As is the custom here at the party each year I…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! With winter approaching now is a perfect time to get out those knitting needles and crochet hooks, and why not make some handmade gifts to warm up loved ones or even better, strangers without homes or newborns in need of hats. There are so many ways to spread joy with our handmade creations, so do give that some thought. I can’t say I’ve been crocheting much as instead I’ve been making a truckload of Chanukah decorations, some of which I’ll be happy to share with you just as soon as my computer arrives safely back home, hopefully very…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday thanks so much for joining me here! My dear old computer is still in the infirmary, a hour’s drive from home so I have now had another week of full speed ahead crafting, which has led me back to the realization of how much I love crafts, and especially recycling crafts! The fact that I have yet to publish a book after all these years is downright embarrassing given how much existing material I could share and how much thought I’ve given it! Okay, I know this is not the first time I’ve mentioned this “book idea”, but maybe this time I’ll have to get…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome back to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! My computer is still not up and running, but by using a bit of free online software and the capabilities of my blog platform, I have managed to pull together the features from the last party, and phew, the party is back on, so thanks so much for joining me here! Fall has arrived in Northern Israel and I feel like crocheting, and in fact I whipped up a few potholders after posting about my Swedish kitchen adventures, and now, well I just want to make some more. So, the fact is my list of creative desires…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! We are now in the middle of the glorious Jewish holiday of Succot, which means 7 days in the succah (eight outside Israel) and lots of time spent with family and friends. A storm and huge gusts of wind toppled many succahs on the second day of the holiday, forcing us to go into our homes for part of the holiday, but now with just 3 days left the sun is out and all is dry! We do not craft or create during the holiday, so while there is yet another holiday, Simchat Torah, coming up immediately after…