Crafts: Painting
A Colorful Mixed Media Vase Of Flowers Painted In My Sketchbook!
I used to have a fear of creating in my sketchbook, and now suddenly I am just as happy as can be creating in a large 8 1/2 x 11″ book, and being possibly more brave since I am telling a story about my creative journey within the pages. Every good story has its ups and downs as should every creative journey! And funny enough, since the most recent vase of flowers painting is snug in my journal, I don’t have to worry about what to do with it! Truthfully I am considering printing a copy to hang in the succah, wouldn’t that be fun, as well as a step…
- Crafts: Art Journal, Crafts: Drawing, Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Painting and Drawing, Crafts: Sketchbook
Negative Shape Flower Painting Exercise In My Sketchbook
Negative shape painting is a great art technique that every crafter out to have up their sleeve, as it is great for making art and illustrations of all kinds, and especially wonderful when introduced to kids! This technique would be perfect for making art for the Succah, (think pomegranates, fig leaves, apples, olive branches etc.) since now is the time to gets those gears turning as far as succah decorations are concerned! I did this vibrant flower illustration/painting in my landscape sized art journal, right next to a little floral drawing study done with markers, as the paper in this sketchbook is very thick. Markers can be fun, but the…
- Birthday Card Crafts, Birthday Decorations, Crafts: Apples, Crafts: Art Journal, Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Teacher Appreciation Gifts, Holiday: Rosh HaShana/New Years
Apple Cake Cards For Rosh HaShana, Or Someone’s Birthday, Or Both?
One of my sweet sons has a 17th birthday tomorrow, just two days shy of Rosh HaShana, and this year, unlike previous years when the men and boys travel out of town for the holiday leaving us women to bask in the freedom of just being women, ahhhh, but never mind, that is not happening this year, or so it seems, which means that for the first time in about ten years I have the chance to make a proper birthday party for my son on his actual birthday! Not all the family will have arrived back home from their various schools, but at least I can decorate! Just in…
- Crafts: Apples, Crafts: Fall, Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Teacher Appreciation Gifts, Holiday: Rosh HaShana/New Years, Holiday: Succah Decor, Holiday: Tu B'Shevat Crafts
Festive Painted Apples For Rosh HaShana
Let the Rosh HaShana crafting take over your dining room table, because what a great way to end the Jewish year! And with just a bit of forethought, whatever you make now can be used as decorations in the Succah (coming up 2 weeks after Rosh HaShana), or as little gifts or cards to wish neighbors, family and friends a sweet New Year! We are about to enter a three week lock down here in Israel, which means more time for family crafting, and hopefully a succah that is more creative than ever! But lest I digress, first let’s celebrate Rosh HaShana and a family birthday Wednesday night, with lots…
Now Is The Time To Get Crafting For Rosh HaShana!
Sometimes I feel like I might just be the only Jewish crafting coach in the world, and that dear readers is why I am posting some photos of what is going on right now on my kitchen table, namely to get you inspired to use this very last week of the Jewish year to engage in creativity, while at the same time making decorations for Rosh HaShana and Succot to boot! This last week of the year is a very introspective and important one, as we have the ability to make amends for things that didn’t go quite as planned during the year, whether it be with relationships, mindset, reaching…
- Crafts: Art Journal, Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Painting and Drawing, Crafts: Sketchbook, Crafts: Watercolors
Abstract Watercolor Landscape Sketches With Pen
Last week I shared with you some very simple abstract watercolor sketches, check it out here, which are really lovely, and now I’m want to show you what to do when those sketches are not so successful! It is true you could just leave them alone, or paint over them entirely, but first, try defining some of the spaces with pen or colored pencil. I used a black waterproof pen and and white gel pen, but do experiment, as that is what a sketchbook is all about. After all my fears of messing up in my sketchbook, this week I entered a mind space where at long last I feel…