Holiday: Chanukah/Hanukkah
- Chanukah Crafts, Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Painting and Drawing, Crafts: Winter, Gift Wrapping, Holiday: Chanukah/Hanukkah
DIY Ugly Holiday Sweater Cards To Make Now!
When I shared with you the splattered paint paper that I made to use for holiday crafting projects, I had no idea that I would be making an ugly holiday sweater card from my favorite piece! And that is one of the best parts of letting the art tell you what it wants to be, and the results of having a pile of abstract patterned paper to work with. I have been wanting to make an ugly chanukah sweater craft for a few years now, and last year while my holiday sweaters weren’t ugly, they were HUGE, made from cardboard and pom poms and strung on a clothesline! So this…
Wishing You A Very Happy Zot Chanukah!
After a very busy and festive week of Chanukah, I just had to share with you the lovely sight that is “zot Chanukah” namely the 8th night/day of the holiday. Tonight all 8 cups of oil were lit and we spent one last night gathered around the Chanukiah (menorah) singing and praying and eating a few little treats. My daughter fortunately decided to make latkes, which I didn’t have time for as I was working today, and that was a great traditional addition to our last Chanukah meal. I also gave my daughter the recipe for our favourite Moroccan semolina soup, which she made for the first time and it…
Drinking Straw Menorah Craft Is Beyond Adorable!
Hanukkah crafts made from plastic drinking straws are so much fun and a great way to recycle! I have already share with you my Hanukkah drinking straw wall hanging, or why not call it a Hanukkah mobile? And now, for one of the favourite results of playing around with drinking straws, I present to you the drinking straw menorah, with Q-tip to boot! This little menorah is cute as can be, and a great gift, so make a bunch. Kids can enjoy “lighting” a new candle each day of Hanukkah, while I on the other hand love seeing them with all the candles lit. This little menorah isn’t large, but…
- Birthdays: Cakes and Decorations, Chanukah Crafts, Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Recycling, DIY Wrapping Paper, Gift Wrapping, Holiday: Chanukah/Hanukkah, Holiday: Purim!, Recycled Paper Bag Crafts
Q-Tip Painted Brown Paper Bags For Gift Giving
Whether you want to use up or re-use some simple brown paper lunch bags, or even better, recycle larger brown paper. bags, you can create festive gift wrap or gift bags with the addition of some festive Q-tip painted patterns! I had planned to create a whole Q-tip painting primer with patterns and ideas, but since that has yet to happen, I now present you with Q-tip flowers and polka dots which is fun to create and looks amazing. One of the great things about painting with Q-tips is it is great for little hands as well, and really so much fun. Beware, you may want to Q-tip paint the…
Drinking Straw Hanukkah Wall Hanging Craft
Hanukkah which we call Chanukah actually, is quickly approaching, but there is still time to make a fun drinking straw wall hanging to add a very festive touch to your home! This week I have shared with you how to make drinking straw dreidels, drinking straw starbursts, drinking straw diamond starbursts, and now I present to you the finished product, yippee! After making the elements that I’ve listed, you can certainly figure out how to make the drinking straw menorah, right? Okay, these photos aren’t the greatest, but I’m pressed for time with a million things going on, so they do the job for now. The main thing is, use…
Drinking Straw Diamond Starburst Ornament
We are on a roll with the elements you’ll need to assemble a fun Hanukkah wall hanging made from drinking straw ornaments, so far we’ve learned how to make a drinking straw dreidel and a drinking straw starburst, and I now introduce to you the “diamond starburst.” When one is combining a bunch of elements together to make a wallhanging, a diamond shape is a great addition, and indeed this diamond starburst pulls together all the other elements, so do learn how to make it! Now is the time to get crafting, and most folks have a few straws hanging around somewhere that could be used up, or of course…