Travel: Sweden
A Refreshing Summer Swim In Varmdo, Sweden
This past July my husband, teen daughter and I were blessed with the opportunity to spend 2.5 weeks in Sweden, something I’ve beed dreaming of for years! As it turns out, this “lay over” on our way to the USA made my ticket even less expensive than the tickets of my boys, who joined us in the USA, so this vacation was truly a gift. If you live in Israel and go home to visit family in the USA, take advantage of the chance to see the wonders of nature in Scandanavia, for starters, you won’t regret it, especially in July or August, when Swedish summer is in full swing,…
Purple Cone flowers Bloom In Sweden
With Fall just around the corner, you may not be thinking about your garden, unless of course you live in Australia or the Southern Hemispere, or Florida or Southern California, then again, if you love gardening anytime is a good time to plan the blooms you’d like to grow! So, dear readers, most of us know about cone flowers, or Echinacea, but sometimes a reminder is a great thing, so let me remind you, these flowers look amazing, especially a whole bunch of them, and they are drought resistant and just all around great. They do seem to attract a lot of bees though, so keep that in mind. I…