Hello Prague: The Dancing House Building
If you are an architecture buff like myself, or even if you are not, when in Prague a visit to the Dancing House Building is a must, as there is nothing else quite like it! I also happen to be a long time fan of the Jewish American architect Frank Gehry, who came up with this iconic buildling that is said to represent Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire, so a visit was a must, and it was on the way to another location, so why not? I’ll admit, while I love modern architecture, I do not always love modern architecture amidst lovely classic architecture, which is the case here. But…
Hello Prague: The Gothic Powder Tower
One of the truly interesting and dramatic aspects of Prague is the prevalence of Gothic architecture, which dates back to the 1400’s! One such example of Gothic architecture is the The Powder Tower or Powder Gate (Czech: Prašná brána), which is one of the original city gates, separating the Old Town from the New Town. I happen to love architecture in general, so visiting a city like Prague that is filled with historic architecture is truly exciting. The Powder Tower isn’t something that you have to make a special trip to see, as it is very close to the Old Town Square, and likely on the way to somewhere else!…
Hello Prague: Charming Signs In Old Town
Prague is an amazing city, (see all of my posts so far here) chock full of visual inspiration everywhere you look, not to mention packed to the gills with the kind of souvenir shops that I drool over! I can’t wait to go back just to shop some more……Okay, but we are talking about charming signs, lest I digress, and I should mention that regardless of where our travels take us, I am always on the lookout for interesting graphics and especially cute store signs. Prague did not disappoint, I spotted a few really great ones, which I’m sharing with you here, and if you ever open your own business…
Hello Prague: Geraniums Add Whimsy To Historic Architecture
No matter where our travels take us, as a container gardening enthusiast I am always on the lookout for lovely window boxes and container gardens, commercial or not, and I often share these finding with you here. Our visit to Prague last October was no exception, and while the city does not seem to invest in numerous public installations of flowers on a large scale, there were sweet displays of colorful flowers, mostly in the form of window boxes, and overwhelmingly geraniums, here and there, prompting me to pull out my camera. So, as I continue sharing my photos from our trip a full year ago, lets pause for a…
Hello Prague: The Starbucks On The Old Town Square With A View!
We do not have Starbucks in Israel, surprisingly enough, so it is a treat to get some of my favorite coffee, with kosher soy milk, almost every place I’ve visited around the world, ah, with the exception of Kiev, as I believe the Ukraine has no Starbucks! So, having been up all night due to a 3am arrival time to the Tel Aviv airport for our flight to Prague, I was sooooo happy to see a Starbucks appear before my eyes on our first outing in this new city. Ahhhhh, some coffee before we continue our adventures sounds good right about now, and lttle did I know, as I did…
Hello Prague: The Astronomical Clock On The Old Town City Hall
Continuing our tour of Prague, I now present to you, one of the top tourist attractions in Prague, the Astronomical clock! Between you and me, yes it is very old and significant, a great work of craftmanship and beautiful, but given everything else Prague has to offer, hmmmm, this clock is way down on my list of things to see. But hey, it is part of the Old Town City Hall, that is a must, so take a look at the clock, on your way in, and if you can, do plan to be there for the little show of figures on the hour, (the walk of the apostles) but…