The Mock Chopped Liver That Turned Out Green, But DELICIOUS!
I’m sorry, I don’t have a photo at the moment of the mock chopped liver that turned out green because my family polished it off, and I don’t have time to draw it right now as the fast of T’Isha B’Av is quickly approaching. Nonetheless I thought I’d post this for those other places in the world who are just starting their day and may wonder what to serve their families this afternoon! I served this together with Spelt rolls, a barley vegetable soup, vegetable potato kugel, and some black olive spread that I also made on a whim. Yumm, we are still stuffed!
How to Create a Digital Footprint as an Artist
Art is a wonderful medium enabling a person to not only express themselves but also use their talents to make something that can bring joy to others. One of the amazing things about art is that it allows an artist to make something brilliant out of basically nothing. Being an artist of course can be very challenging, and the term “starving artist” was coined for a reason: making money from your art can be very difficult, and yet one still needs to buy art supplies to make more art, so artists would say, forego food, in favor of supplies. In today’s world however selling art and using art skills to…
Learning How To Use An Airbrush
Above: Photos courtesy of airbrushboston.com The world of airbrushing is interesting and exciting, but takes some knowledge and practice. If you want to learn how to use an airbrush, and become familiar with what might be involved, you have come to the right place. My teen daughter has been hand drawing and using a spray bottle to apply paint to her graffiti sweatshirts, so an airbrush is certainly on her list of must haves! (Mom will have to learn more first, so let’s dive into this together, shall we?) Origins of the airbrush gun The first patent for an airbrush gun, the so-called “atomizer”, goes back to Francis Edgar Stanley…
How to Reduce the Size of a PDF File Like a Pro
With so many of us now working at home, which means working on the computer, honing our skills is more important than ever! After all, there is life to be lived away from the computer. So make a list of all the things that could be improved regarding your technical knowledge and start crossing them off your list. Among your queries, are you possibly wondering how to reduce the size of the PDF file like a pro? If so, you’re in the right place! There are various ways to reduce the size of a PDF file, so do yourself a favor and take a few minutes to read this article…
How To Choose Comfortable Heels
This article is about how to choose comfortable shoes, and I just couldn’t resist using some of Andy Warhol’s shoe illustrations for the visuals, as they are fabulous! Andy Warhol is most famous for his pop art Campbell’s soup can art and those cows, but before he became an artist he was actually a successful illustrator between 1953-57 in New York. He was able to make everyday objects very desirable through his illustrations, and from 1955-57 he was the sole illustrator for the shoe manufacturer I. Miller, for whom he made a new drawing each week for placement in the New York Times. The distinctive look of his illustrations is…
Make Crafts For L’ag B’Omer!
I am reposting this round-up of Lag B’Omer crafts from last year, as this year crafting is more important than ever, with our usual holiday activities cancelled due to the need for social distancing. Much of Israel has opened up, but the size of groups is still limited, so the full on festivities that happen in Meron on the holiday (with 1/2 a million visitors!) and in every neighborhood and community with bonfires will not be happening. Nor wil all the kids be collecting all the wood they can find (mostly palettes) for bonfires, which means crafts is the way to build a festive mood, well not with my teens,…