6 Creative Ways to Play with Your Kids
When kids aren’t quite sure what to do with themselves, things can get sticky. So, if you don’t want to end up in the middle of meltdown, you need to think of something, fast. Sometimes creative parenting and interesting activities don’t quickly come to mind, and so it is a great idea to work on having projects and ideas on hand at all times, waiting and ready for that necessary moment! Why not take a notebook and use it to write down ideas, and slip in some coloring sheets, word games, and pictures to cut up for collage. Of course the right toys can also provide huge relief for kids…
4 Tips for Advertising Your Business No Matter the Size
You’ve decided to start a business, or maybe you have a business that you’d like to grow? Wonderful! Owning your own business has so many positive aspects, but it does generally mean wearing tons of hats, and making decisions you may not be comfortable making. Just remember follow your gut, but also seek advice from those who have more experience, and at the end of the day you are the boss! If you are a creative person like myself, the business aspects can be even more daunting, but if you start to use some of your creativity to develop an advertising and marketing plan for your brand or service, it…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! Spring has arrived in Northern Israel, with wild flowers blooming everywhere, so while there is so much Passover prep to do, I just want to go walk in the meadow! Passover is in just two weeks, so we need to roll up our sleeves and get to work, and fortunately I’ve got a few teens at home to really help, phew. I have been exploring creating “paintings” with oil pastel, and on small pieces of paper, 5″ x 7″, so hopefully I will be able to keep that up at least during the intenstive spring cleaning/passover preparations about…
How to Make Your Home the Epitome of Minimalism
With Passover coming in less than three weeks, and our yearly top to bottom home cleaning and organizing just getting started, the idea of a home designed according to the minimalistic style sure sounds amazing right about now. Imagine a home that has only the items you really use and need, and lots of physical space to breath and visual space to relax. This may not be realstic or even ideal for some, though personally it sounds like a great idea for my dream second home on the water! Whether or not minimalism is your cup of tea, it might be something to consider, at least in a room or…
How To Organize And Take Care Of Jewelry And Accessories
With Passover coming in three weeks, and our yearly spring cleaning happening before the holiday, now is a great time to get organized, so lets start with something that should be relatively simple, our jewelry! For many, jewelry is an essential part of every outfit, and can be precious both due to value and sentimental, so it deserves and requires special storage and care. Ensure that your pieces stay safe and tangle-free rather than tossing all your necklaces, rings and earrings into one box, which is a bad idea and can result in damage, scratches and irreversible tangles. To keep all your bling in one place, yet stored safely, and…
How To Easily Find a Present for Mother’s Day
Mother’s day is coming soon, in the UK it is on Sunday March 14 (and in the US, not to worry, May 9) so now is the time to plan the perfect gift to present to your beloved mom. With so many options available both in stores and online, finding the right gift can be a little bit stressful, after all, you want to get it right! Follow the tips in this article, and your gift giving will go so smoothly you may just start giving mom gifts just because, and that would be a great thing! Get To Know Your Mother’s Preferences When you pay attention and therefore know…