What Is The Meaning Of “Next Year In Jerusalem”?
Above: A beautiful remember Jerusalem wall hanging one of just many other Judaic items with references to Jerusalem that one can purchased at judaica webstore. What is the meaning of the phrase "Next year in Jerusalem" or in Hebrew, shana habaa b'Yerushalayim that we say at the end of the Passover seder? "Next year in Jerusalem" means that all Jews should actually be living in their homeland of Israel where they can come to Jerusalem. It is of course very important to note though that the Jerusalem we are referring to is Jerusalem as it is ideally meant to be — with the Temple, the Sanhedrin and a Jewish Monarch!…
7 Signs You Are a Hipster
Donec vehicula erat ac semper feugiat. Nam ut justo et neque aliquet tempor at quis ex. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed id efficitur urna. Donec et nunc sapien. Suspendisse porta commodo ante, non vulputate libero commodo ut. Integer molestie massa sapien, vel pellentesque quam fringilla non. Mauris id tortor mauris. Donec lacinia, enim facilisis sollicitudin sodales, leo orci commodo mi, ac viverra massa urna a mi. Suspendisse suscipit vel lectus vel egestas. Vestibulum mollis nisl non mi commodo, sit amet pretium risus commodo. Ut pharetra a urna at condimentum. Proin maximus, mauris quis varius tempor, tortor nisl ultrices purus, in molestie tellus…
- Crafts: Recycling, Holiday: Pesach/Passover, Recycled Bleach Bottle Crafts, Recycled Plastic Bottle Crafts
Make Fun Beach Toys From Recycled Bottles
With Passover just a few days away, we are frantically cleaning our house from top to bottom, which means lots of cleaning products, which means lots of cleaning product bottles that I can't help but eye for some fun recycling craft! I figured out a great use for the bottom portion of the floor soap bottles that we are going through like crazy, (more on that later) and as I was cutting off the tops, I realized that they would make perfect beach toys for all ages. Perfect for scooping sand and water, and one can unscrew the top to let the sand out of the other end, so much…
Getting Ready for the Summer
Donec vehicula erat ac semper feugiat. Nam ut justo et neque aliquet tempor at quis ex. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed id efficitur urna. Donec et nunc sapien. Suspendisse porta commodo ante, non vulputate libero commodo ut. Integer molestie massa sapien, vel pellentesque quam fringilla non. Mauris id tortor mauris. Donec lacinia, enim facilisis sollicitudin sodales, leo orci commodo mi, ac viverra massa urna a mi. Suspendisse suscipit vel lectus vel egestas. Vestibulum mollis nisl non mi commodo, sit amet pretium risus commodo. Ut pharetra a urna at condimentum. Proin maximus, mauris quis varius tempor, tortor nisl ultrices purus, in molestie tellus…
MIni Bouquets For The Passover Table
Mini bouquets for the Passover table are so very sweet and especially so if there are children at the table. And since the Passover seder is truly to pass on Jewish tradition to our children, making the table a delight for the little ones should truly be a priority! Yes, it is true, that our Passover table should be the most elegant and gorgeous or any holiday table, and we should save our best dishes for this holiday, so these little bouquets while cute and little, can certainly look great on any table, no matter how elegant. Maybe you have figured out what i used to make these little arrangements,…
Passover Craft For Kids: A Clay Seder Plate
A clay Passover seder plate is a sweet little craft that you can make with air drying clay, polymer clay or classic clay that requires kiln firing. Given that Passover is just six days away, I'd go for the polymer clay idea which is the quickest and won't require any firing. Plus then kids can also make the various items that are placed on the plate as well……hmmm that sounds so cute maybe I'll try to squeeze that into my kid's schedules this week! Then again, air drying clay could also work if you're not pressed for time, and the results can look very close to the example I've shown…