Garden Crafts: DIY Trellis From Sticks
This year with all the time spent at home as a family, I’ve had time for some simple upgrades to my container garden due in part to the help of a few teen aged boys! At long last I planted some seeds right before Passover, though the only ones that actually sprouted were the morning glory seeds. This is fortunate as my built in planter (that had to be emptied to deal with water leakage) was looking quite empty, despite returning two standard rose buses to their original spot. Morning glories are trailing vines that need something to grow on, so I collected some long sticks in the forest area…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! It is hard to believe that we are more than half way through June, and this time warp shows no signs of letting up anytime soon. Summer travel plans are currently non-existent which is also really strange, as usually right about now I’m frantically looking for vacation rentals in our yearly family reunion destination. I guess it is time to put the time not spent on vacation planning into creativity! Lately I’ve been working hard at filling the pages in my sketchbook, and it has become such a great daily practice that I just can’t believe it took…
Summer Camp Crafts: Pine Cone Animals
I have taken this post out of the archives as it really is a perfect summer camp craft. And while some might rather make pine cone pineapples, these animals will appeal to almost everyone. Make a plan to make at least one of every kind and display them on a special dedicated shelf! Don’t forget to take photos of your efforts and then you can give your creations to someone who might enjoy them as well. Okay, lets get crafting! Kids and adults alike love collecting pine cones after a nature walk, and they tend to be aplenty at many forest locations of day camps and sleepover camps, so pine…
Summer Camp Crafts: Pine Cone Pineapples
I have taken this craft out of the archives and dusted it off as it is a great partner to my pine cone animals post. Plus it truly is one of the cutest nature crafts ever, right? And pineapples can be any color, not just yellow as long as you have a few yellow ones in the bunch. Best of all, you’ll hopefully have to take a nature walk to collect the pinecones, so enjoy! I have been wanting to make pinecone pineapples for a few months now, and even painted the pinecones yellow before Passover, and finally found the time to give this fantastic summer craft, that would…
Summer Camp Crafts: How To Make An Acrylic Pour Painting
Summer is here, which means whether or not summer camp is a part of your summer, you can still do messy, activity oriented crafts (outdoors?) that one might do in summer camp. Acrylic pour painting fits right into that category perfectly, so lets take a look at this trendy painting process. If you are like me, you are slightly familiar with acrylic pour painting, but have not yet actually thought about trying it, as you’ve got so many other projects on your to-do list or a whole closet of craft supplies yet to be used? When I was asked to write an article about pour painting I was really excited…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! Summer is here, and that means hot days and fortunately generally cool nights here in our mountaintop location. While the surrounding fields and meadows are mostly gold with pops of purple thistles, my container garden is just getting started! This year I have planted morning glory from seed, as well as some cherry tomato seedlings, so I am very excited to see what grows over the next few months. Yes indeed, my teens are all still schooling from home, which has become the new normal and is keeping me extra busy. In the middle of it all, two…