Crafts: Painting
- Art Education for Kids, Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Painting and Drawing, Crafts: Watercolors, Recycled Cereal Box Crafts, Watercolors
Watercolor Still Life Fruit Exercise Is Great For All Ages!
My fourteen year old daughter is once again taking painting lessons, this time with a teacher who learned painting as a trade in Russia, so the lessons are precise and skill oriented, which can be a good thing, though not exactly how art is taught in the USA generally. Nonetheless since we are seeing great results with piano lessons from our teacher who is from the Ukraine, I'm trying to be a bit open minded as far as teaching techniques go! My daughter in any case has and will be exposed to art education on many levels, so the main thing is to just do it, and not worry too…
- Crafts: Fall, Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Painting and Drawing, Crafts: Watercolors, Holiday: Succah Decor, Holiday: Tu B'Shevat Crafts
Watercolor Fruit Art: Paint The Seven Species
Small works of art using just simply watercolors are so fun to make, and a great project to do in one sitting. In the past I enjoyed painting watercolor fruit with my daughter, and then I realized that if I was going to paint fruit, then certainly I should paint a series of the seven species, hashevat haminim, to give some added meaning to my little project. Not to mention that anything depicting the seven holy species of fruit (plus 2 grains) can be used as a succah decoration, as a decoration for the Jewish holiday of Tu B'Shevat, or of course anytime! It is true, succos is already past,…
Teaching Kids About Color Using Oil Paints
If you have noticed the lack of crafts lately here on creative jewish mom, do not jump to the conclusion that we are not crafting, on the contrary we have been delving into the world of drawing and painting (and of course ceramics), and don't have much to show for it just yet. What I would like to share with you is the idea of helping your little and not so little crafters understand color and the power of color! One really great way to do that is to simply employ the idea of making your own color chart, with paint and a large piece of paper. So simple and…
- Baby Gifts and Decor, Crafts for Mom, Crafts: Embroidery, Crafts: Painting, Crafts:DIY Lampshades, DIY Home Decorating Projects
The Best Of DIY Painted And Embroidered Lampshades
Lampshades are the perfect place to sharpen your DIY skills, and a DIY painted or embroidered lampshade is the perfect place to start. I've gathered some great inspiration for you as far as the shade goes. And if you're in the market for a new lamp that could really be a great base for your crafty lampshade ventures, I think that some wooden lighting namely wooden lamps using blonde wood could look really great, especially since one of the hot decorating trends for 2016 is the Scandinavian style white and black interior with wood accents. And of course, you don't need to stop with your wood based lamp, you could…
Another Handpainted Poster, This Time All By Himself!
This large sign that my son painted says "Yom Huledet Sameach" meaning happy birthday, and I am sharing his sweet wishes for a family birthday to make a point, which is that sometimes when parents do a project together with a child, like the Hanukkah poster we painted together, it gives the child enough confidence to then go and do something similar all by themselves, yippee! I was so happy when he agreed to do everything himself this time. I did advise him on the scale of certain objects and he needed advice as far as what colors to use, but other than that, it is all his.
A Hanukkah Poster Made By Mother And Son…..
When my son came home from school with a request for a large piece of artwork to hang in his classroom, i was a little sceptical that I would have time to actually help him with this task, but fortunately we pulled it off, and he was happy as can be as he left for school this morning, phew! As you can surely guess, I am not the kind of mom who would want to just make something for him with no collaboration, and fortunately, he actually got the ball rolling one evening by drawing the title and those cute little music bars. Yesterday he drew the curtains and mom…