Crafts: Painting
A Fun Stand-Up Painted Owl With Wine Cork Feet!
Owl crafts are really so much fun and lend themselves to lots of creativity, as once you have the basic identifying features of an owl, namely the eyes and beak and compact body shape, you can do just about anything and it will still look like an owl! Recently I have been enjoying honing my art skills and bringing them into the world of craft by marrying the two through artful recycled packaging, birthday decor, succah decor and now a little bit of fall/winter seasonal decor that includes owls. It is true, a pink and green owl with striped pants might be most of all birthday party appropriate, but I…
A Peek In My Sketchbook: Mixed Media Owls
This week on the blog is all about owls! Why you may ask?Well owls lend themselves particularly well to all kinds of crafts, and they do work particularly well with all things Fall and Winter, meaning seasonal or holiday decorations! And as you may know, I am all about decorating the house for holidays, and celebrating the seasons through creativity and crafts, so hello owls! Owls can be cute or interesting or both, so hold on tight as there is an owl craft for everyone! I started my owl adventures with two mixed media paintings in my sketchbook, so I’m sharing that with you first. Owls can be abstract and…
A Fun Graffiti Ski Hat Holiday Craft Idea
After creating my DIY ugly holiday sweater gift card craft, I realized that I ought to try creating some other cozy winter wardrobe items using the same technique, and since my experiment was a success, I now present you with my DIY Graffiti Ski Hat holiday gift card that can certainly double as holiday decor, a gift tag, or a fun craft project to do with the whole family! I have to admit I just love how this graffiti ski hat turned out, and am quite surprised myself. Even the pom pom looks like I know what I’m doing illustration wise, and well, now I know how to paint a…
A Whimsical Cow Wearing A Crocheted Bobble Sweater Painting
Meet my colorful mixed media cow in a crocheted bobble stitch sweater, she has surely put a smile on your face? Cow portraits have been popular for quite a few years I believe, and I can understand it, there is just something about cows that well, makes you feel connected to the farm and nature, and maybe even childhood? While this is the first mixed media cow portrait I’ve even painted I have to say, I think there are more in my future, as surprise surprise I’m actually happy with how she turned out, and happy that my rooster painting now has a barnyard friend! I will admit however that…
- Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Recycling, DIY Wrapping Paper, Gift Wrapping, Recycled Cardboard Box Craft, Recycled Food Box Crafts
Abstract Floral Gift Boxes From Recycled Packaging Are A Gift In Themselves
This year’s crafts for chanukah are all about bright colors and abstract shapes that look oh so artful and festive! Practicing some painting techniques on gift bags, cereal boxes or even smaller recycled cardboard food boxes is a great way to make some art that isn’t precious and has a use, and if it doesn’t turn out so well……recycle it, which is where is was going in the first place (hopefully.) I actually made this painted gift box from an etrog box left over from Succot, which is a great way to take the energy from one Jewish holiday into the next. Not of course that Chanukah is about gifts,…
- Chanukah Crafts, Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Painting and Drawing, Crafts: Winter, Gift Wrapping, Holiday: Chanukah/Hanukkah
DIY Ugly Holiday Sweater Cards To Make Now!
When I shared with you the splattered paint paper that I made to use for holiday crafting projects, I had no idea that I would be making an ugly holiday sweater card from my favorite piece! And that is one of the best parts of letting the art tell you what it wants to be, and the results of having a pile of abstract patterned paper to work with. I have been wanting to make an ugly chanukah sweater craft for a few years now, and last year while my holiday sweaters weren’t ugly, they were HUGE, made from cardboard and pom poms and strung on a clothesline! So this…