Crochet With Commercial T-Shirt Yarn
- Baby Gifts and Decor, Crafts: Crochet, Crochet Decor And Home, Crochet With Commercial T-Shirt Yarn, Great Gifts To Make
Quick Crocheted Summer Basket Using T-Shirt Yarn
In the mood to crochet something that is so useful you'll want to make a whole bunch to use this summer? Whip up one of these quick crocheted summer baskets to use in your home or at the beach or just about anywhere, and believe me, you'll be so happy you did! Need a fun hostess gift or a way to welcome some house guests? Fill the basket with toiletries or something fun and you're good to go! And assuming you choose some baskets that are on the small side (like mine), you could easily use this idea to make great party favors, teacher appreciation gifts or even to make…
- Crafts for Mom, Crafts: Fleece, Crochet With Commercial T-Shirt Yarn, Great Gifts To Make, Recycled T-Shirt Crafts
Fleece Scraps Pouch For Kids Is Perfect For Holding Magnifying Glasses!
Last week just before my favorite little four year old was to arrive for a visit, I quickly whipped up a pouch to hold the magnifying glass I had promised him on his last visit. And of course since I love giving the kind of gifts that are truly exciting and will be used, I made a pouch with a strap so that it could be worn across the body, and added straps to the magnifying glasses so they could be worn around the neck, for convenience and because the largest magnifying glass is actually glass, and keeping it safely around the neck does seem like the best way to…
- Baby Gifts and Decor, Crafts: Crochet, Crafts: Spring, Crochet Decor And Home, Crochet With Commercial T-Shirt Yarn, Crochet With Recycled Materials, Wedding Accessories, Wedding Decorations
A Quick Crocheted Spring Basket
Spring is here which means it is time to get started with the Spring/Pesach organizing and cleaning……but first of course as I was recovering from a very festive Purim I spied a cute little basket with holes in it, that could be much more useful if one could not see what is inside, for me the hoarder that is! So I present to you a quick crocheted spring basket using an existing plastic basket with holes, an idea that can be used on many types of plastic baskets! And yes, to make this project "quick" one does need the proper supplies, namely yarn and hook sizes that are large, so…
- Chanukah Crafts, Crafts: Crochet, Crochet Decor And Home, Crochet With Commercial T-Shirt Yarn, Holiday: Chanukah/Hanukkah
Crocheted Star Trivet Using T-Shirt Yarn Makes A Quick Unique Gift!
It is pouring rain outside and I have the luxury of spending a few days to do some crafting for Chanukah, and the first thing that came to mind was to try and use up all the t-shirt yarn that I have (so that I can justify buying more, of course!) and that is how these crochted star trivets were born, and I just love them! This is a quick gift to whip up in multiples for holiday giving and would be perfect together with an assortment of teas, or even better a nice teapot. Of course you could also make a large garland or wall hanging, or sew a…
- Baby Gifts and Decor, Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Crafts: Crochet, Crafts: Summer, Crafts: Teacher Appreciation Gifts, Crochet Decor And Home, Crochet With Commercial T-Shirt Yarn, Crochet With Recycled Materials, Recycled Glass Bottle Crafts, Wedding Decorations
Crocheted Vase Using T-Shirt Yarn
A quick crocheted vase using some scraps of t-shirt yarn (to make it super quick!) and either a glass or plastic bottle with a wide mouth is the perfect summer project! Fill your crocheted vase with cuttings from plants, like heart shaped philodendron and pathos that can grow in water, or gather some wild flowers and enjoy. The rustic feeling of the large stitch makes it perfect for use indoors and out, not to mention that this project is a great stash buster, so go ahead and use up all those odds and ends! Come winter a crocheted vase like this is pastel colors looks great filled with branches, but…
- Baby Gifts and Decor, Crafts: Crochet, Crochet Decor And Home, Crochet With Commercial T-Shirt Yarn, Crochet With Recycled Materials
Crocheted Basket With Plastic Strawberry Basket As A Base!
Want to make a super cute crocheted basket that will keep its shape without stiffener? Try crocheting over a recycled plastic strawberry basket, and you'll love the results so much you'll certainly want to make a whole bunch, I know I'm not stopping at three! I haven't seen this idea anywhere, so please do give me credit for it if you're inspired to make your own, and actually this came about as a result of now quite succeeding with my original idea, which was something totally different! Love when that happens! One could of course use any really chunky yarn for this, but I just love the results with the…