Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday! It is hard to believe that we are already almost halfway through November, and time is just whizzing by, which means it is time to think about how we'll spend our crafting time this Fall and Winter, and for me that means getting a head start on Chanukah gifts and decorations to avoid the holiday rush! The projects contributed last week were full of great crochet inspiration, which we haven't had for awhile, as well as so many other fabulous DIY ideas to keep everyone busy! Thanks so much for joining me here, it is truly such a pleasure to connect with so…
A Visit To CN Tower, Toronto, With Kids
I am slowly but surely sharing with you photos from our month long trip to Canada and the USA this past August, and now I thought I'd share with you our visit to Toronto's CN Tower. I'll admit, I tend to steer clear of tourist attractions, (faving you know, inspiration from architecture and city life) but with kids in tow, I do realize that these famous spots are the ones they'll most likely remember, so up we go!
Make This Year A DIY Chanukah!
Fall is here and that means it is time to get crafting for Chanukah! And the good news is that the holiday starts on the night of December 24th (talk about great timing this year for those who might not otherwise acknowledge the holiday!) so we have plenty of time (well, six weeks actually which are going to speed by….) to get crafting and make this year truly special. This week at the dinner table I overheard my eleven year old son saying to his siblings "remember how fun Chanukah is?" And I have to say, my heart leapt just a little, because creating great memories and sharing our love…
- Crafts: Fall, Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Painting and Drawing, Crafts: Watercolors, Holiday: Succah Decor, Holiday: Tu B'Shevat Crafts
Watercolor Fruit Art: Paint The Seven Species
Small works of art using just simply watercolors are so fun to make, and a great project to do in one sitting. In the past I enjoyed painting watercolor fruit with my daughter, and then I realized that if I was going to paint fruit, then certainly I should paint a series of the seven species, hashevat haminim, to give some added meaning to my little project. Not to mention that anything depicting the seven holy species of fruit (plus 2 grains) can be used as a succah decoration, as a decoration for the Jewish holiday of Tu B'Shevat, or of course anytime! It is true, succos is already past,…
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday!
Hi There, Thanks so much for joining me here for this international linky party that just keeps getting better and better thanks to all of you! We are now in the Jewish month of Cheshvan, which is the only month on the Jewish calender that has no holidays of any kind, and so it is referred to as a bitter month, namely "mar cheshvan." I say with all the great inspiration right here in the features from last week's party, we all have the ability to turn this month into something truly special! So wishing you all a very joyful and creative month of Cheshvan, and happy crafting! And…
A Visit To Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls is a classic and world famous tourist destination, though on account of its location I had never been there until this past August. My kids really wanted to go, but I'll admit I was a bit sceptical as to whether indeed it would be interesting to a seasoned traveler like myself. Not that I had much choice as Niagara Falls is certainly a lot closer to Toronto than to anywhere else we've visited, so it was time to take the proverbial tourist plunge, knowing also that a location such as this would certainly be more memorable for my kids than meny of the locations that excite me! And…