Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday Purim Edition! The very very festive Jewish holiday of Purim starts Saturday night, with a reading of the Book of Esther, and then, I'll be getting busy preparing food and gifts of food for the day of parties on Sunday. Costumes and music and general craziness are all part of the holiday, and where I live we are all celebrating together, so neighbor hopping happens a lot as well, not to mention the stream of others who will drop by. You can always learn more about Purim by googling it, the history that we are actually celebrating is truly fascinating! Speaking of…
Migrating Cranes Flying Over Northern Israel
Two days ago my daughter called to me "Mommy, come quickly!" you won't believe it! To our great delight we witnessed the largest group of migrating cranes flying overhead. Not one group exactly but three, one after the other, each one larger than groups of cranes we generally see every Spring and Fall as they make their journey to and from Europe. I have shared our little observation of migrating cranes many times, and honestly, I still get just as excited as I did the first time I saw these magnificent creature migrating over Jerusalem when we lived there. And when you realize how large these birds actually are, it…
- Crafts: Recycling, Crafts: Washi Tape, Holiday: Purim!, Recycled Cans Crafts, Recycled Plastic Container Crafts
Washi Tape Treat Boxes Recycling Craft
If you are like me, you likely find yourself saving little plastic food containers of all kinds that you know you can upcycle sometime. Purim, when we give gifts of food to friends and neighbors is a perfect time to put that pack rat collection to good use, and with just some simple supplies you can create something festive and cute! Time is of the essence, as I've still got lots and lots to do before the holiday starts Saturday night, so lets get started!
- Baby Gifts and Decor, Baby Shower Ideas, Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Birthday Decorations, Holiday: Purim!, Holiday: Shavuot, Holiday: Simchat Torah, Tabletop Decorations, Wedding Decorations
Simple Paper Cup Flags Centerpiece
Yes dear readers the pressure is on, with Purim rieally right around the corner, but you still gotta make your table look festive right? So how about whipping up some paper cup flag centerpieces which are really quick, look great and can be embellished however you like. Not to mention you can use them again and again for different occasions! I'll tell you a little secret, shhhhh. I actually made a few of these for my son's bar mitzvah dessert table, and have since used them for Chanukah, Tu B'Shevat, and now Purim! Yes I did in some cases add something different and taller to the center, which one certainly…
- Baby Shower Ideas, Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Birthday Decorations, Birthdays: Cakes and Decorations, Holiday: Purim!
Quick And Cute Cake Flags From Paper Cups
If you are celebrating Purim this coming Saturday night (with the major festivites actually on Sunday) then like me, you are likely in need of a few quick and cute ideas to help make your holiday festive. Yes, little tricks that give your table and your mishloach manot that extra little touch but actually took very little time! I introduce to you the idea of paper cup flags, paper cup toothpick flags, and paper cup dessert cups…..these three items all made from one single cup! Keep reading for complete instructions, and yes I know time is precious, so I'll make it quick!
Collage Using Crafting Paper Scraps
Ever felt bad about tossing all those scraps of paper left over from a big crafty project? Well I sure do, and so this time I decided to make a few quick collages with all those fun shapes and bits of shiny or glittery paper left over from making a bunch of Purim castles. One of the pieces I'll use to make some gift tags, and the other pieces I've already used as part of my pizza box top robots! So next time you've got a bunch of little bits and bobs, why not craft with them, and who knows the results might must be truly fantastic!