Simple Cake Toppers From Supplies On Hand
Having just posted about our challenge trying edible printable cake icing, I just had to share with you once again my take on the whole cake decorating world, which is go simple! There are those who just love spending hours making a perfect and amazing looking cake, but that is not me, I have neither the skills nor the time, so I prefer simple, cute and from the heart. Using supplies I already have on hand, meaning quick and likely made at the last minute, sigh. Nobody really needs a cake that looks like it was factory made, right, they just want to see that you spent time thinking of…
- Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Cooking: Desert Bar Ideas, Cooking: Royal Icing Cookies, Wedding Accessories
Monogram Engagement Cookies With Printable Icing Sheets
Baking is now my teenage daughter’s department, and she is doing a great job at it, sometimes too great in fact as I’m trying to avoid sugar. These monogram engagement cookies could be posted as a craft fail, but rather than be that harsh lets just say we (she, rather) learned a big lesson with this one: don’t try out something new when under pressure! Our neighbor’s daughter got engaged and my daughter wanted to help make some deserts for the desert bar, fair enough. However, her schedule was packed and she had to make the deserts ahead of time as she would be away on a school trip the…
- Baby Shower Ideas, Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Birthday Decorations, Birthdays: Cakes and Decorations, Party Decorations
Simple DIY Party Decorations With Drinking Straws
Summer is the perfect time for fun and colorful party decorations, and quick party decorations take the prize, right? I shared my plastic straw themed birthday party decorations with you a few weeks ago, and now I’m sharing them with you as a total party theme, with links to each individual project. The star burst straw centerpieces are so simple to make, and could be great for just about any event, made in the colors to match your theme. Really truly, the simplest most festive decorations ever. So enjoy these ideas and give them a try, you might even decide to make your Succah decorations from plastic straws, which is…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! Summer is in full swing, and the perfect time to get crafting, so don’t let the months pass you by, get those creative gears turning! i have been too busy to take my own advice, but shortly am leaving for our yearly summer adventures (photos of which for 2018 I still have not shared entirely…..hopefully soon) which will at the least include a sketchbook practice and hopefully painting of some kind, likely with gouche and watercolor. I love you all but looking forward to unplugging and enjoying nature, and feeling really fortunate for the chance to see new…
Simple Crocheted Coasters Are The Perfect Tiny Gift And Summer Take Along!
Someone just contacted me via the watermark on this photo, saying she saw the project on Pinterest, and the photo took her somewhere that did not link to my original post. She then couldn’t find this project in my archives. Since she took the time to write to me, I figured I’d have a look in the archives! So I dug way way down and dusted off this sweet crochet project that is perfect for summer, and a great project for beginners with fantastic results. Enjoy, and make a bunch while you are at it, as it’s always great to have some homemade gifts on hand, right? Super simple crocheted…
Fun Ways To Print Your Own T-Shirt
Summer vacation for kids can be 2-3 months long, it is no wonder that parents struggle to find activities to do with the kids. In fact a survey of 2,000 parents found that it takes around 2 weeks before they begin to struggle. This is why it is important to plan creative and interesting ways to entertain them. Learning to print your own t-shirt is an inexpensive and enjoyable activity with custom wearable results! From sketching out initial designs and choosing colors, to hand printing, or using professional design software, there are so many ways you can inspire creativity in your kids and in yourself. And you just never know,…