Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here !his is week is going to be packed with getting ready for Purim, which starts on Thursday night. There are of course some decorations I want to make but since Purim will be happening on a much smaller scale this year, and my house already looks quite festive, there really isn’t too much pressure……the gifts of food for neighbors do need to be made however, and with Purim happening right before shabbat, giving something that can be enjoyed on the shabbat table is especially nice. I don’t know if I have the time this year to make the…
How to Connect With Your Mother As An Adult
Mothers are our everything growing up, but many unfortunately find the relationship strained in adulthood. Maybe you’ve just gotten so busy with your own family that you’ve lost touch, or perhaps you two always had differences, and not seeing eye-to-eye as an adolescent only caused you to drift further when you become a full-fledged adult. No matter what the reason, wanting to connect with your mom is a wonderful thing, and there are ways you can do it that feels comfortable and natural to the both of you. Keep in mind that if you’ve been distanced for a while, it might be awkward in the early stages of rebuilding your…
New Life for Your Old House: 5 Easy Restoration Tips
Have you always dreamed of owning a historic old house, whether it be a farmhouse, a craftsman cottage, or a stone house in an exotic European location? Or maybe it’s a cottage in Northern Sweden that you can buy for a small sum, or a historic storefront in a small American town? This dream can become a reality, but one must be very very realistic about what is actually involved, and this dream can cost a pretty penny and possibly a few headaches plus. It might make more sense to simply take advantage of all the great airbnb rentals out there, but if you really want a place of your…
- Crafts: Recycling, Holiday: Purim!, Recycled Cans Crafts, Recycled Cardboard Box Craft, Recycled Cardboard Crafts, Recycled Cardboard Tube Crafts, Recycled Shoe Box Crafts, Recycled Toilet Paper Roll Crafts, Recycled Toilet Paper Tube Crafts
DIY Cardboard Castle Centerpiece
A fun DIY castle centerpiece made from recyclables is truly up my alley, and so this project from the past is still one of my very favorites. Come to think of it, this castle centerpiece is really a quick project, so what am I waiting for…..with Purim in just a week now would be the time to whip up a new one! If you know me, well then I certainly have a shoebox and various cardboard tubes hanging out just waiting to be used, so no excuses really except that life is very busy at the moment. Now as far as you dear reader are concerned, a colorful castle crafted…
DIY Cardboard Roosters Make Perfect Party Decor!
I am reposting this DIY cardboard rooster craft because, well they are just too cute to sit in the archives, are relatively easy to make, and what could be more fun than a few giant roosters in your home just in time for Purim? Ever thought about using some recycled cardboard to make some fun cardboard roosters? Truthfully, I hadn’t either, but after making a black rooster and a white rooster, well I just want to make some more. I made them to use as stage props in a school play, but they’d look great in a child’s room, or even in your kitchen, so have some fun and make…
- Baby Shower Ideas, Birthday Card Crafts, Birthday Decorations, Birthdays: Cakes and Decorations, Crafts: Art Journal, Crafts: Doodle Art, Crafts: Drawing, Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Painting and Drawing, Holiday: Purim!
Whimsical Bear Portraits Make Perfect Party Decor!
As you may realize, I have been delving into drawing and painting and sketchbooking and art journaling more than actual crafts this past year, but that does not mean that our house is suddenly lacking festive decorations, infact just the opposite. Because dear friends, brightly colored or whimsical paintings, whether on paper or in my case milk cartons and boxes make really wonderful party decor, come on by and take a look! These fun bear portraits are now part of my kitchen gallery shelves display, and I even taped a few to boxes so they can stand up. They would make amazing gift tags (they work up quickly, and the…