Birthday Decorations
A Fun Stand-Up Painted Owl With Wine Cork Feet!
Owl crafts are really so much fun and lend themselves to lots of creativity, as once you have the basic identifying features of an owl, namely the eyes and beak and compact body shape, you can do just about anything and it will still look like an owl! Recently I have been enjoying honing my art skills and bringing them into the world of craft by marrying the two through artful recycled packaging, birthday decor, succah decor and now a little bit of fall/winter seasonal decor that includes owls. It is true, a pink and green owl with striped pants might be most of all birthday party appropriate, but I…
- Birthday Decorations, Crafts: Apples, Crafts: Fall, Crafts: Teacher Appreciation Gifts, Holiday: Rosh HaShana/New Years, Holiday: Shabbat, Holiday: Succah Decor, Holiday: Tu B'Shevat Crafts, Tabletop Decorations, Wedding Decorations
Super Simple Fall Centerpiece With Painted Faux Apples
If you happen to have a bunch of blank apples made for crafting, just waiting for their turn in the spotlight, as I did, paint them in your favorite colors, add some white details with a paint pen, place them in a footed glass bowl, and voila, a fun Fall, Rosh HaShana, Succot, or even Tu B’Shevat centerpiece is born! Ah yes, and this would make a fun teacher appreciation gift as well! Truthfully apples painted in your favorite colors can be used any time to bring joy into your home, so while I did make this for our series of Jewish holidays in the Fall, it would look great…
- Baby Shower Ideas, Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Birthday Decorations, Crafts: Fall, Crafts: nature, Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Paper, Crafts: Winter, Holiday: Succah Decor, Holiday: Tu B'Shevat Crafts, Sukkah Decorations, Wedding Decorations
DIY Tree Branch With Colorful Leaves Wall Art
We are now on the third day (of seven) of the wonderful Jewish holiday of Succot, and while I am not doing any crafting, I can stop by here to share my favorite succah decoration with you! And, unlike some Succah decorations, this one is truly a work of art, and can be used year round indoors, or for a special event or to mark a new season. You decide, but if you are anything like me, you won’t want to stop at just one, which I did not! After making the first version, a tree of life with gold leaves, I just had to make another colorful version with…
- Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Birthday Decorations, Crafts: Paper, Holiday: Succah Decor, Party Decorations
A Quick Accordian Folded Paper Flower For The Succah!
If I am sharing succah crafts with you right now, namely decorations that are currently hanging in my succah, that must mean the Jewish holiday of Succot is quickly approaching. And yes indeed, one of my favorite holidays, that also happens to be seven days long, starts tomorrow night, so time is of the essence! While I had thought I’d be ready days ahead, hmmm, that didn’t quite happen as I was waiting for inspiration to strike with something new, and it did, PHEW, only I once again find myself crafting in the wee hours of the morning the night before the holiday, sigh! Lest I digress, if you happen…
- Birthday Card Crafts, Birthday Decorations, Crafts: Apples, Crafts: Art Journal, Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Teacher Appreciation Gifts, Holiday: Rosh HaShana/New Years
Apple Cake Cards For Rosh HaShana, Or Someone’s Birthday, Or Both?
One of my sweet sons has a 17th birthday tomorrow, just two days shy of Rosh HaShana, and this year, unlike previous years when the men and boys travel out of town for the holiday leaving us women to bask in the freedom of just being women, ahhhh, but never mind, that is not happening this year, or so it seems, which means that for the first time in about ten years I have the chance to make a proper birthday party for my son on his actual birthday! Not all the family will have arrived back home from their various schools, but at least I can decorate! Just in…
- Baby Gifts and Decor, Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Birthday Decorations, Birthdays: Cakes and Decorations, Crafts: Origami, Crafts: Paper, Tabletop Decorations
Happiness Is A Jar Full Of Tiny Origami Paper Stars
I truly wish it were that simple, don’t you? Truthfully, it really can be, and for starters it is all about putting things in perspective, being happy with your lot, and recognizing the need to be grateful for all the good you do have, not to mention for every moment and every morning that you wake up, as nothing is certain! On the other hand making tiny paper stars might come easily to some of us, while to others making a jar full of these would be torture. And that my friends is sort of like happiness: easy to come by for some and really difficult to achieve for others,…