Crafts: Ceramics
Ceramic Textured Nesting Plates That Kids Can Make!
Aren't these ceramic textured nesting plates just gorgeous! My twelve year old son made these at our weekly ceramics studio class, and I just love them. And the colors really make me happy, so I can't wait to use them. Though not all of them actually as my not so little anymore sweetie made one of the sets to give to his teacher as and end of the year thank you gift, pretty nice right? Ah yes, so this craft also falls under the category of teacher appreciation gift, got that? It is true, one does need to make plates that look this good in a ceramics studio with a…
- Crafts for Kids, Crafts: Ceramics, Holiday: Purim!, Holiday: Rosh HaShana/New Years, Holiday: Shabbat
Ceramic Fish Plates: A Perfect Sushi Set And Great For Rosh HaShana Too!
A ceramic fish plate and some little ceramic fish that could be used as chop stick rests are really truly adorable, and so festive, don't you think? My twelve year old son made this set, which was originally supposed to be a mobile of sorts, but I love them too much as if to think about stringing them together somehow! And with Rosh HaShana a little more than two months aways, thinking about crafts for the Jewish new year is a great thing to do right about now! And whether or not you have access to a ceramics studio and a kiln, you can still make something similar, so lets…
Ceramic Mid-Century Style Wall Clock Craft For Kids!
If you are following along on our creative adventures then you already know that my 12 year old son and I go to a ceramics studio once a week, together, for some quality mother and son time, and because of all the creative activities I could do with him, the one thing he really likes is something we can't really do at home: kiln baked ceramics! I'm not complaining though, and I am really treasuring this time that we have together, and I know we are building memories as well. You know, like really tangible ones that he'll even be able to hang on the wall in his own home…
Ceramic Plates And Trays Made By Kids
Yesterday at the student's show at the ceramics studio that my 12 year old son and I visit every week (for some quality creative time together) we were very inspired by a show of all the student's work. I only had time to capture a small portion of the wonderful creativity to share with you here, though I'm hoping that just a few posts will be enough to get those of you for whom this might be relevant to the ceramic studio, (with your kids, or without) as working with clay is a wonderful way to enliven creativity, build skills and confidence too! And of course, while kiln fired ceramics…
Kids Rethink The Traditional Tzedaka Box!
Today there was a student show at the ceramic studio where my son and I spend time together creating with clay each week, and I just had to share with you some of the fantastic work we saw. For starters I just love the ceramic tzedaka (charity) boxes that kids made (that would also make fabulous ceramic banks as well) after the teacher gave them the assignment to make a tzedaka box in any shape they desired. I don't know if I would have thought of a vase of flowers tzedaka box, or an apple tzedaka box, or even a tea cup tzedaka box. There was even a fantastic clay…
DIY Ceramic Wall Clock
A DIY ceramic wall clock is a wonderful thing to make if you happen to have some time in a ceramic's studio, or have access to a kiln! My twelve year old son made this one, and we can't wait to hang it in our kitchen. And in fact he has already made another one for his room that has yet to be painted, but will hopefully be even more fabulous! And of course I want to make one too, though i should probably finish my series of hanging planters first! My son and I are having such a wonderful time together at our weekly ceramics studio time (just about…