Crafts: Winter
- Chanukah Crafts, Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Painting and Drawing, Crafts: Winter, Gift Wrapping, Holiday: Chanukah/Hanukkah
DIY Ugly Holiday Sweater Cards To Make Now!
When I shared with you the splattered paint paper that I made to use for holiday crafting projects, I had no idea that I would be making an ugly holiday sweater card from my favorite piece! And that is one of the best parts of letting the art tell you what it wants to be, and the results of having a pile of abstract patterned paper to work with. I have been wanting to make an ugly chanukah sweater craft for a few years now, and last year while my holiday sweaters weren’t ugly, they were HUGE, made from cardboard and pom poms and strung on a clothesline! So this…
- Baby Shower Ideas, Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Birthday Decorations, Crafts: Fall, Crafts: nature, Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Paper, Crafts: Winter, Holiday: Succah Decor, Holiday: Tu B'Shevat Crafts, Sukkah Decorations, Wedding Decorations
DIY Tree Branch With Colorful Leaves Wall Art
We are now on the third day (of seven) of the wonderful Jewish holiday of Succot, and while I am not doing any crafting, I can stop by here to share my favorite succah decoration with you! And, unlike some Succah decorations, this one is truly a work of art, and can be used year round indoors, or for a special event or to mark a new season. You decide, but if you are anything like me, you won’t want to stop at just one, which I did not! After making the first version, a tree of life with gold leaves, I just had to make another colorful version with…
- Baby Shower Ideas, Birthday Decorations, Birthdays: Cakes and Decorations, Crafts: Recycling, Crafts: Winter, Recycled Cardboard Box Craft, Recycled Cardboard Crafts
DIY Stand-Up Cardboard Polar Bear Centerpiece
Looking for a fun winter-themed centerpiece to whip up for an upcoming birthday party or winter themed celebration? Give this DIY cardboard stand-up polar bear a try, and you’ll put smiles on every face! Of course, you can make this polar bear any size that suits your table, but if you go big, well that certainly fills more space and makes more of a statement— more bang for the buck if you will! While you can certainly make a whole family of polar bears in different sizes, which could be just adorable, you can also choose to make some cardboard huskies, which is also super adorable and a great contrast…
- Baby Shower Ideas, Birthday Decorations, Birthdays: Cakes and Decorations, Crafts: Recycling, Crafts: Winter, Party Decorations, Recycled Cardboard Box Craft, Recycled Cardboard Crafts
DIY Stand-Up Cardboard Huskies For Your Winter Table
At long last I have finally found the time to share with you one of the favorite crafts I made for our family Chanukah birthday party: stand-up cardboard huskies, courtesy of Mr. Printables! And at the birthday party when the huskies made their debut, they were actually pulling the birthday cake! Yes, that birthday cake with the sparkly red flags that I shared a while back. (Note to self and everyone else: try to have everything ready the day before, even the cake, so you’ll have time to photograph it all nicely!) Now it is too late to photograph the huskies pulling the cake and I do have a photo…
- Chanukah Crafts, Crafts for Kids, Crafts: Recycling, Crafts: Winter, Holiday: Chanukah/Hanukkah, Recycled Plastic Basket Crafts
DIY Glitter Snowflakes From Upcycled Plastic Baskets
There is something just irresistable about glitter and I have to say it has been way too long since I’ve ventured into the glitter department, and now I can’t wait to use up the rest of the bags waiting in that plastic bin labeled glitter! For my first glitter project of the season I choose to make glitter snowflakes using the plastic berry basket snowflakes that were patiently awaiting their fate for a good few weeks, and the results are truly wonderful. Yes, it is true, glitter does make a bit of mess, but I think it is a good thing as long as the glitter stays out of your…
- Chanukah Crafts, Crafts for Kids, Crafts: Plastic Canvas, Crafts: Recycling, Crafts: Winter, Holiday: Chanukah/Hanukkah, Recycled Plastic Basket Crafts
Recycled Berry Basket Snowflakes!
Okay dear readers, let the Chanukah crafting begin! Due to my computer still not back home from the repair shop, I’ve been crafting like I used to, and wow, it is so rewarding to come up with all kinds of ideas, some of which actually make it to the finish line, and others, well……Making snowflakes from the bottom of plastic berry baskets is not my idea, I found an unattributed photo somewhere, but I realised yesterday that this is basically an eco-conscious way of making snowflakes from plastic canvas, which is totally a “thing.” Plastic canvas snowflakes are often embroidered, which one could also do with these berry basket snowflakes,…