Holiday: Tu B'Shevat Crafts
Special Grape Leaf Challahs For Tu B’Shevat
Wednesday night is the perfect time to bake delicious homemade challah, and with the special shabbat of Tu B'Shevat coming up this week, how about making your challahs just a little bit special? Well, of course all challah is special, but when you spend a few minutes to add a bit of extra something, well special takes on a whole new meaning! Let's do it, shall we?
Vegetable Carving 101: How To Carve A Carrot Leaf Garnish
As promised yesterday, I honed my carrot leaf carving skills, and now present to you another installment in my Vegetable Carving 101 course, How To Carve A Carrot Leaf Garnish. It really is so simple and the results are fabulous. And for busy folks like most of us, these can be made days and days ahead of time! I'll be using these Friday night as we celebrate the Jewish holiday of Tu B'Shevat, the Jewish New Year For The Trees, and can't wait to see my Shabbat table filled with all kinds of carved fruits and veggies, time permitting of course!
Vegetable Carving 101: Simple Carved Carrot Leaf
At long last I have found a really good reason to continue exploring the world of fruit and vegetable carving: the holiday of Tu B'Shevat is coming up this Friday night, and since we'll be celebrating with loading the table with as many kinds of fruit (and nuts) as possible, carved fruit and veggie platters seem just perfect. So introducing another instalment of Vegetable Carving 101, this time it is Simple Carved Carrot leaves! The great part about carrot leaves is that they can be made way ahead, like now for example, and will keep perfectly in the fridge in a container of water. The little leaves you see here…
- Crafts for Kids, Crafts: Apples, Crafts: Fall, Crafts: Fruit, Crafts: Recycling, Crafts: Teacher Appreciation Gifts, Holiday: Tu B'Shevat Crafts
Chalkboard DIY Apples
Hey guys, at long last I have jumped on the chalkboard DIY trend, though of course with a twist, true to creativjewishmom style. (And with some upcycling too, as you might expect!) When I picked up a little bottle of acrylic chalkboard paint on our trip to the USA this summer, I knew I'd find a million and one uses for it, but the first really good one is DIY chalkboard apples, just in time for the Jewish holiday of Tu B'Shevat which is the new year for fruit bearing trees. So whether you have some articifial apples of any kind hanging around, or you need to go buy some,…
Fruit Themed Party Favor Boxes Download Is Just Too Cute!
Remember my printable fruit themed favor or cupcake boxes that are perfect for Tu B'Shevat crafting? I have reduced the price to give you just a bit more incentive to purchase this wonderful pdf file that can be used in so many ways year round. Honestly these boxes look so great I enjoy looking at them stacked up casually, and I don't think I could part with any at the moment! But maybe by the time Tu B'Shevat rolls around in a few weeks, I'll be ready to fill them with dried fruits and nuts to give as little gifts to friends and neighbors to celebrate the Jewish New Year…
Fun Crafts With Oranges Are Perfect For Winter!
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season, and if you are like me you just might be having a hard time getting back that creative energy that we all love to infuse into our everyday? Pre-chanukah I did a lot of crocheting that I just can't seem to find the time to photograph so I'm going to get things rolling here in 2017 with some fun winter crafts that are also perfect for the next Jewish holiday, Tu B'Shevat, the New Year for the trees! Crafting with oranges can only produce great things, whether it be wonderful smells as in the case of orange clove pomanders, orange tea lights…