Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, Passover edition, thanks so much for joining me here! Here in Israel our Passover holiday is different from the rest of the world, as we only have one Seder night, (phew!) while everyone else who observes Jewish law makes a Seder on a second night as well. When I lived in the USA I couldn’t imagine having only one Seder, it seemed like deprivation, and now that I’ve been living in Israel for 20 years I can’t imagine having two Seders! I am writing this on Thursday night, and while those outside of Israel who observe Jewish law are now in the middle of a…
Counting The Omer: Today Is The First Day Of Forty-Nine!
Above: Antique Counting The Omer calendars made in the Netherlands in the 1800’s for use in a Portugese Jewish synagogue, these are from a community in Suriname, and are now in Israel Museum, Jerusalem. The top row is the day, the middle row is the week, and the bottom row is the number of days that have elapsed in that week. Here in Israel, as opposed to everywhere else in the world, today, Friday is not one of the Yom Tovim days of Passover, so I am able to spend a little time on my blog to compose this post about Counting the Omer. (And since the house is sparkling…
What’s Cookin’ For Passover And Repeating History!
Passover is coming, Corona of not, and this year we are repeating history that occurred in Egypt, over 3,000 years ago, somewhat mind blowing really. The very first Seder happened with each family ALONE as they were quarantined in their homes in Egypt! Moses told the Jews not to go out of our houses (sound familiar?) as G-d would actually Pass-over the Jewish homes as he delivered the plague of the firstborn. One of the great Torah commentators from 14th century Spain, the Baal Haturim, discloses that just like the first Seder on the night of the actual redemption from Egypt was performed by each family ALONE in their houses,…
Simple Origami Jumping Frogs Are The Perfect Passover Craft
With the Jewish holiday of Passover arriving on Wednesday night, ready or not, now might be the time to spend just a few minutes making a cute craft to grace your Passover seder table? I’ll admit, despite high hopes of having time for a few simple crafts myself that wouldn’t be realistic right now as while my kitchen (the most important part) is kosher for Passover and I can start cooking, there are other areas in the house that need attention, not to mention the container garden (I got the boys and husband to mostly do that yesterday, phew) and ugh, my office/studio, which is always the big ugly monster…
3 Moneymaking Ideas for Stay-at-Home Parents
Right now in the face of the Corona virus many parents have become stay-at-home parents due to layoffs, business shutdowns and office closures. Whether or not you’ve chosen to work from home, or possibly are thinking about other avenues of income from home, the following information is particularly relevant right now, unfortunately. So get informed and stay positive, and enjoy getting to know your family! Besides that, be sure to check out Teneric as well. Being a stay-at-home parent has many benefits, primarily being there for your kids as they grow up. One downside, however, might be not having a dependable income. Fortunately, technology has granted many people, including full-time…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday
WHOOPS, for all those who came on Saturday night, sorry I neglected to past the code for the party. such is life in these crazy times……. Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! What can I say? At the moment I am grateful for my own health and that of all my family in these scary Corona virus times. I am grateful for the home that is large enough to give everyone their space, the large porch with a stunning mountain view, and the fact that we live in a somewhat remote town (still 35,000 people) that has up until now been largely spared from…