Mixed Media Florals And Botanicals For Your Sketchbook
Mixed media simply means using a variety of art supplies together in one art piece, namely pen and paint, pen and collage, ink and pencil, etc. Mixed media is a great way to add color to your sketchbook drawings, though depending on the thickness of your paper you will need to do this with some forethought. My sketchbook is really just for drawing, meaning the pages are relatively light weight and cannot handle markers or watercolors without bleeding through to the other side. (One can always fix this by gluing together pages or gluing a page on top of the bleed.) But not to worry, there are several ways around…
How to Create a Digital Footprint as an Artist
Art is a wonderful medium enabling a person to not only express themselves but also use their talents to make something that can bring joy to others. One of the amazing things about art is that it allows an artist to make something brilliant out of basically nothing. Being an artist of course can be very challenging, and the term “starving artist” was coined for a reason: making money from your art can be very difficult, and yet one still needs to buy art supplies to make more art, so artists would say, forego food, in favor of supplies. In today’s world however selling art and using art skills to…
- Crafts: Collage, Crafts: Paper, Crafts: Recycling, Holiday: The 17th of Tammuz, Holiday: Tisha B'Av, Holiday:Tenth of Tevet
Gates Of Jerusalem Collage Art
The “Three Weeks” on the Jewish calendar is always such a challenging time, as on the one hand it is a mourning period, which intensifies for the last 9 days, and on the other hand it is summer vacation! There is no listening to music or playing musical instruments, and joyful occasions that can be planned, like weddings are not permitted. This year we are in a serious time warp and difficult time in any case, so processing it all seems less difficult, but usually the idea of no swimming during the 9 days just when kids would be going to camp might be hard to process. That said, one…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! I hope your summer is going well and you are taking advantage of longer days to get out and enjoy nature! My evening walks have been amazing, and even though walk is mostly on the same trail more or less, I find something new to enjoy each time, not to mention all the dried weeds I’ve been collecting to make 70’s inspired home decor! My sketchbook wanderings are consistent and still bringing me so much satisfaction, and now at long last I realize why someone would want to be limited to a book, because it is actually the…
Morning Glory Vine In Bloom In My Container Garden!
I just love morning glory and of course the more flowers in one’s container garden, the better! A year and a half ago I was in the Ukraine and picked up a bunch of seeds for as I recall something like 7 cents a package, and just before Passover this year I quickly planted a bunch of seeds in containers that had empty space at their bases. (Next time I’ll soak the seeds and then start them indoors earlier.) Surprise, the only seeds that produced plants were the morning glory seeds, and it is a good thing as my built in planter now holding just two rose bushes was looking…
- Crafts: Collage, Crafts: Paper, Holiday: The 17th of Tammuz, Holiday: Tisha B'Av, Holiday:Tenth of Tevet
Process Art Collage For The Three Weeks
Process art is all about the making of the art as either therapy or a way of loosening up, or both. The end result is not what counts, but rather the process. I do want to write about this a bit more, but my daughter is waiting for me to help her with her photography homework, so lets just say that this bits and pieces collage is a great project to do today, on the 17th of Tammuz, while you think abou the importance of the day, especially on a personal level. Do it with your kids and have a conversation, or do it with yourself (as I did) and…