Birthday Decorations
- Baby Shower Ideas, Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Birthday Decorations, Birthdays: Cakes and Decorations, Holiday: Purim!
Quick And Cute Cake Flags From Paper Cups
If you are celebrating Purim this coming Saturday night (with the major festivites actually on Sunday) then like me, you are likely in need of a few quick and cute ideas to help make your holiday festive. Yes, little tricks that give your table and your mishloach manot that extra little touch but actually took very little time! I introduce to you the idea of paper cup flags, paper cup toothpick flags, and paper cup dessert cups…..these three items all made from one single cup! Keep reading for complete instructions, and yes I know time is precious, so I'll make it quick!
- Birthday Decorations, Crafts for Kids, Crafts: Paper, Crafts: Recycling, Holiday: Purim!, Recycled Cardboard Box Craft, Recycled Cardboard Crafts
Recycled Pizza Box Top Robots For Purim
The Jewish holiday of Purim starts this coming Saturday night (Sunday night for those living in Jerusalem proper) so lets turn up the heat and get crafting! These cute pizza box top robot clowns are just one idea to get you inspired. For starters, take a look around the house and use what you have on hand — the very best way to really truly get creative without having to run to the store, and spend time (and money) unnecessarily! And truly, these robots came about literally on account of the above advice. Last Tuesday I was working hard making decorations for a community Purim party, and my kids were…
- Birthday Decorations, Birthdays: Cakes and Decorations, Crafts for Kids, Crafts: Recycling, Crafts: Washi Tape, Holiday: Purim!
Quick Soda Bottle Clown For Purim Or Your Circus Themed Party!
I'm quite sure how that happened, but Purim is in another week plus a few days, and so it is surely time to get crafting for Purim, right? Okay, truthfully I have been crafting, just not stuff that I can share with you at the moment, or have yet to photograph, which is usually the case, phew! I tried to photograph something quickly before the sun went down, but since the project wasn't quite finished I think I'll share it with you in its entirety tomorrow. In the mean time I realized there may have been some projects that I did last year and hadn't shared, and yes, sure enough,…
Cut Paper Heart For Quick Party Decor
Today I took scissors to paper to experiment with a few ideas for some paper decorations, and i came up with this simple way to make a really stylish paper heart in just a few minutes. I'm hoping to make a bunch of these to decorate the walls in one of my kid's bedrooms that is going to be a guest bedroom this weekend, and I'll certainly share it with you, if the results are noteworthy that is! So grab some colorful paper, or even some recycled magazine pages and lets get cutting!
- Baby Gifts and Decor, Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Birthday Decorations, Container Gardening: Houseplants, Crafts for Mom, Holiday: Shavuot, Tabletop Decorations, Wedding Decorations
Plastic Animal Succulent Pot
Remember those golden giraffe birthday cake toppers from awhile back? Well anything hanging out for too long in my kitchen cabinet is fair game for a remake, so I now present to you golden giraffe succulent holders, which are just perfect to add a little humor to your home decor, or of course for your next party! And yes dear readers, I do realize that the little plant shown in the photo above is not technically a succulent, it is actually a baby from a bird's nest Sanseveira, but since you don't likely have one of those, succulents are the best choice! And by succulents, what I'm suggesting actually is…
Quick And Cute Birthday Crowns For Any Age, Any Occasion
Every birthday party deserves birthday crowns, and now you can make some super cute ones in a pinch, which believe me is exactly what I did this past Friday! As the maker of a birthday party for a grandpa and his first grandchild, I though it would be just the greatest to make crowns from them both……one with the age and one with a question mark. Funny enough the grandpa didn't quite get it and we had to explain it to him! In any case the crowns were a big hit, and a great addition to the party. I will surely make more like these for years to come, and…