Crochet Decor And Home
- Baby Gifts and Decor, Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Crafts: Crochet, Crafts: Summer, Crafts: Teacher Appreciation Gifts, Crochet Decor And Home, Crochet With Commercial T-Shirt Yarn, Crochet With Recycled Materials, Recycled Glass Bottle Crafts, Wedding Decorations
Crocheted Vase Using T-Shirt Yarn
A quick crocheted vase using some scraps of t-shirt yarn (to make it super quick!) and either a glass or plastic bottle with a wide mouth is the perfect summer project! Fill your crocheted vase with cuttings from plants, like heart shaped philodendron and pathos that can grow in water, or gather some wild flowers and enjoy. The rustic feeling of the large stitch makes it perfect for use indoors and out, not to mention that this project is a great stash buster, so go ahead and use up all those odds and ends! Come winter a crocheted vase like this is pastel colors looks great filled with branches, but…
- Baby Gifts and Decor, Crafts: Crochet, Crochet Decor And Home, Crochet With Commercial T-Shirt Yarn, Crochet With Recycled Materials
Crocheted Basket With Plastic Strawberry Basket As A Base!
Want to make a super cute crocheted basket that will keep its shape without stiffener? Try crocheting over a recycled plastic strawberry basket, and you'll love the results so much you'll certainly want to make a whole bunch, I know I'm not stopping at three! I haven't seen this idea anywhere, so please do give me credit for it if you're inspired to make your own, and actually this came about as a result of now quite succeeding with my original idea, which was something totally different! Love when that happens! One could of course use any really chunky yarn for this, but I just love the results with the…
- Baby Gifts and Decor, Crafts: Crochet, Crochet Decor And Home, Crochet With Commercial T-Shirt Yarn, Crochet With Recycled Materials
Giant Granny Square Chair Pad Crocheted With T-Shirt Yarn
Ready for a fun project using commercial t-shirt yarn that adds a wonderful decorative touch to your home or outdoor space? Crochet a giant granny square chair pad in just a few hours, and you'll certainly want to make a whole bunch! And the fun part about crocheting with commercial t-shirt yarn is that the results are quite thick, so this really does pad the chair. Not to mention of course that this is much easier to wash than a chair pad with a foam insert. If this chair pad has got you thinking that you'd like to make a whole rug using giant t-shirt yarn granny squares, well you…
- Crafts: Crochet, Crochet Decor And Home, Crochet With Recycled Materials, Recycled Potato Sack Crafts
Crocheted Bath Scrubbie Using Potato Sacks
Crocheting scrubbies using upcycled potato sacks is one of my favorite ways to go green. It is a great way to use up odds and ends of yarn, and to make something useful out of something you'd ordinarily throw in the garbage. I started out crocheting very simple kitchen scrubbies, and then i realized that this idea could certainly be used to make scrubbies for the bath and shower as well. And why not use this project to try out some simple trim patterns as well? So I now introduce to you the crocheted bath scrubbie with picot trim, give it a try!
Crocheted Basket Using Plastic Bags For Spring
Crochet a fun basket for spring using yarn made from plastic bags.
Crochet Mini Mandala Stash Buster Pattern
Crocheted mini mandalas are the perfect stash buster and especially if you happen to have some cheerful spring colors that need a purpose! Of course, then you may just find yourself in my predicament, which is now what? Namely, not quite sure how to use these little guys, since at 16.5 cm in diameter they are too big to be coasters. I was thinking about a wall hanging, or maybe even using them as appliques on pillow cases for the Passover seder. Maybe I just need to take my own advice and consult my list of how to use crocheted mandalas!