Holiday: Pesach/Passover
Welcome To Our Passover Seder Table!
The eight day (well for us in Israel seven days, actually) Jewish holiday of Passover starts with a bang, namely the most important part of the whole holiday, the Passover seder! The Passover seder involves the re-telling of the story of the Jewish people's exodus from Egypt and includes eating lots and lots of matzo, at specific points in the seder, as well as drinking four glasses of wine or grape juice or some combination of the two. And of course there is also a festive meal! Outside of Israel the Passover seder is actually observed on two nights, something those of us in Israel just can't imagine, and vice…
Braided Garlic Is A Passover Tradition!
As you may or may not know, the holiday of Passover is all about tradition, yes, you know, Jewish tradition! If not for the strictness with which we observe these traditions we would not thousands of years later still be remembering and reliving our deliverance as a nation from slavery, got it? Now as you may also know the definition of "Jewish tradition" varies greatly as we the Jewish people are a very varied bunch, with skin color that ranges from the palest white to almost the darkest black and customs that were developed over the thousands of years in all the places that we wondered to. While all Jews…
Recycled Paper Towel Tube Palm Trees For Passover (Or Anytime, Of Course!)
Passover (or more correctly "Pesach" as it is said in hebrew) starts on Monday night, and the only way I have found time to post this little craft is that the husband and kids are out doing some grocery shopping for the holiday, meaning there is no one who thinks that there may be more important things to do right now…… one that is, who realizes how important you, dear readers, are to me! So I'll just quickly introduce you to this little idea that was born on account of going through a ton of paper towels as we try to wrap up the gigantic job of cleaning the house…
Ceramic Kid’s Craft: A Red Poppy Ring Dish
Spring is here, and the fields of Israel are covered with wild flowers, a truly lovely sight, In Northern Israel, the red poppies are an indigenous species that we look forward to seeing every year, and this year we were inspired by our love of this special flower to recreate it in the ceramics studio. With my guidance (I have to admit) my son made this sweet red poppy ring dish, that I think we will use on our passover table this year to hold salt.I only wish we had made a bunch of them so that the table would look like a field of wild flowers! Ah, yes, that…
Note To Self: Passover Needs For 2017
Above: Some migrating heron spotted on a little trip we took to the foothills of Mt. Meron during Passover If there is one thing I've learned over the years regarding the great Passover kitchen change-over, is that having everything you need already on hand is certainly preferable to having to rush out and buy items that are missing. Plus, with this in mind one can pick up necessary items during the year when you spot them on sale, or see something particularly cute that you really don't need but that you could use for Passover! That said, I'm using this little space on my blog to make a list for…
What Is The Meaning Of “Next Year In Jerusalem”?
Above: A beautiful remember Jerusalem wall hanging one of just many other Judaic items with references to Jerusalem that one can purchased at judaica webstore. What is the meaning of the phrase "Next year in Jerusalem" or in Hebrew, shana habaa b'Yerushalayim that we say at the end of the Passover seder? "Next year in Jerusalem" means that all Jews should actually be living in their homeland of Israel where they can come to Jerusalem. It is of course very important to note though that the Jerusalem we are referring to is Jerusalem as it is ideally meant to be — with the Temple, the Sanhedrin and a Jewish Monarch!…